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Stan's POV:

I anxiously wait at the back of the dark room, looking at Kyle tied up in a chair from behind. Hopefully he isn't too injured..But then again it'll be okay because this is what needs to happen, I mean of course, I could have just dated Kyle and not set Kenny up with him but you know, what if Kyle wasn't interested in me? I needed him to be in the wrong headspace so he would open up to me, so that it'd be easier for him to fall to me. 

I snap out of my thoughts and look back at Kyle, who is trying to get out of the ropes we tied him up in..I mean, maybe we could have been a little nicer and not put tape over his mouth but it's whatever. I walk up behind him quietly and put my hands on his shoulders, he goes still and it's quiet. Really quiet in the room, quiet enough to hear a pin drop, I like it. I can sense his fear and I'm loving every second of it.

"Morning Kyle, I'm glad to see you awake."

I smile and walk to the front of the chair, to face Kyle. I take the tape off his mouth and throw it to the side, then I sit infront of him, smiling. However I don't think he finds this funny at all, actually I don't think he's even a bit happy, he should be grateful I told her to not sedate him.

"Stan. What in the HELL is this? What kind of prank is this?!"

I smile at his words.

"This is no prank, why would I kill Kenny then jokingly kidnap you? This is real life Kyle, and I'm loving it."

Kyle gets clearly mad and if he wasn't tied up, I bet he'd knock my lights out but uh, I'm safe as long as he's tied up.

"Stanley how COULD you?? What are you getting out of this!? They're going to find out it was you who killed Kenny."

"Actually, I don't think so..Cause they have his "Killer" in jail right now!"

Kyle's POV:

I flinch at Stans words. What does he mean? Who did he frame? Just then Stan gets up while laughing, walks over into the shadows and comes back holding a photo, he shows it to me and my eyes widen. 


"I mean, the fatass was useless anyways? He confided in me when I first moved back here that he felt that he had no purpose in life and after hearing that I knew he'd be the PERFECT rat to throw in jail!"


Just then I feel Stan's fist collide with my cheek, it was so quick that I didn't even process it before Stan started rapidly apologizing and crying. What the hell is wrong with this dude?! Wait..He's vulnerable right now..

An idea pops into my head and I knew right now is when I had to seize the moment. Any second I could die, I can't let that happen.

"S-Stanley it's..It's okay..Fuck that hurt but..It's okay, stop crying.."

He looks at me with teary eyes and wipes his nose on his sleeve. Gross yeah..But that should be my last concern..

"You..You really mean it Kyle? You don't..Hate me?"

"No um..No Stanley I don't.."

Stan grabs my throat and chokes me, fuck what did I do?

"Don't lie to me Kyle, you never call me Stanley unless if you're upset with me."

I try to speak but nothing comes out, I can feel his grip tighten as everything starts to fade to black. Well..At least if I die..I'll be with Kenny..

As everything turns black, I just close my eyes and let it happen. When I open my eyes I'm still in the chair, but the ropes are untied. I immediately rub my wrists, hoping that the rope burn wont be that bad. Theres nothing here but a chair though, everywhere I look is..Black..

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