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Kyle's POV:


She smiles, and laughs like a psychopath. She doesn't even need to tell me anything before it all clicks into my head. Stan suddenly going crazy, him killing Kenny, the note, betrayal..She was behind all of this..She made him do this, she made him go insane..

"Kyle..Or should I say hubby? I told you I'd come back..We're going to be together forever, and ever, til the end of time. Cause nobody you love is here anymore and can't do anything.."

Just then someone behind Heidi laughs, I recognize that laugh..

"And didn't I tell you I'd come back Heidi? Well no actually I told Kyle that..But uh..Fuck uh..Well anyways police are here, don't bother."


Just then, the police swarm in, pinning Heidi to the ground and arresting her on one count of murder, two counts of kidnapping, one count of disturbing the peace which was basically the whole mind breaking thing, three counts of attempted murder, and one count of hate criming. She was taken away by two cops and I got untied from my chair and immediately sent to the hospital, Stan was also taken to the hospital with me.

Kenny waited in the hospital with me everyday until I was deemed safe to go home, Stan somehow survived and is current recovering in the hospital from his wounds. Thankfully one of the bullets missed his ribcage however the other one directly hit it, however it only broke a small piece of it and it didn't affect his lungs..After he's recovered he is going to be sent to a psych ward temporarily and I decided to drop all the charges on him, because I know he didn't actually mean to do it. Heidi is in jail, Cartman got released from jail hence Kenny is alive and there are no records of him dying, just records of attempted murder..That charge actually got placed on Stan and not Cartman but you know I dropped all the charges on Stan, and so did Kenny..

Fast forward a few years and me and Kenny are out of college, Kenny dropped out and I finished, now I'm now twenty-four years old and Kenny is twenty-five, he proposed to me at the cafe we always used to go to as kids and we're soon getting married! Tweek & Craig got married before us and their wedding was amazing! Stan is doing better and is now me and Kenny's friend again..Cartman actually got into some trouble with the law and is currently in prison with Heidi..That's ironic yeah..But we're happy, some of us that is..But mainly me, Kenny, Stan, Tweek, and Craig, and maybe others too. My life couldn't be greater and yes college was hell but we've learned to move on and forget things that happened. Kenny recently told me that I didn't imagine him dying everytime I saw him die, he's immortal, that would make sense and I'm not gonna pressure it on him, even though that's highly unbelievable..I believe him, and I always will. He wouldn't lie to me. So did I complete the mission Principal Victoria gave me? I wouldn't say I did, Kenny didn't need to be fixed, he just needed love..And that's exactly what I gave him and what he gave me.

Life was crazy with and without Kenny, but I'll never live life the same without him.

FIN. May 10th 2023-Sept 10th 2023

WC: 561

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