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Kyle's POV (Still):

I remember, when me and Kenny were kids, I gave him my necklace. We were around..Fourteen? No..Thirteen? Yeah. Me and my family had to leave for a bit to visit my cousin and his family, I gave Kenny my necklace, he was the most upset about me leaving, although I was only gone for two weeks. I gave him my necklace and told him that if he was sad, just wear it. 

The K stood for Kyle, but since it's technically his now, I guess it stands for Kenny. I'm surprised he kept it, it still looks as good as it did back then, not a scratch or smudge on it..

Kenny notices me staring, so I look up and smile at him, then looking back down at the necklace. 

"You can have it back you know.."

I look back up at him, why in the world would I want it back? I did give it to him after all, if I didn't want it back six years ago then why would I take it back now?

"No Kenny, keep it. It's yours now. I'm just glad you still have that."

I stop looking at Kenny, now just looking at the door, it's about..Eleven feet away from us? God I really am a nerd, I'm calculating things that don't even matter. I cover my ears, trying to ignore the sounds of fighting and arguing out there. Stan really started a war, didn't he? 

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I look over at Kenny slightly.

"Here Kyle, I know the "cool" kids use bluetooth earbuds but-"

I take one of the earbuds from Kenny, putting it in my ear and smiling.

"I don't care what type of earbuds you use. Whatever works, you know?"

Kenny smiles and pulls up spotify on his phone, carefully deciding which playlist to play. He picks one and we both just sit there, listening to music together. (You guys can decide what song they're listening to, get creative!!)

Kenny's POV:

I softly hum the lyrics to the current song playing, I feel sudden weight on my shoulder, I look over and see Kyle resting his head on my shoulder, his eyes are closed so I think he fell asleep. Reminds me of when we would chill in my dads broken car and we'd go in it just to escape for awhile. We'd use Kyle's phone to play music. Those moments made me feel real.

If I'm being honest..I never feel real. I look in the mirror and I don't see someone worth living, I just see an angsty, "mad" at the world, tired of trying, bummy kid. Well, not like I'm a kid anymore, but I always felt that way even when I was kid. 

Maybe the fact that I can't die makes me feel the way I do. I mean, you don't come across people like me everyday? I mean, you literally don't. I am the only person in the world who is immortal. Or so I believe. 

Maybe if my friends and family actually remembered my deaths, I'd feel a little bit more human, no a lot more. Because if everyone remembered, I wouldn't feel bad about it. I go through this shit alone. Although I choose to be alone? I am such a hypocrite sometimes. I complain about going through shit alone but then when someone offers help or asks me to reach out to them I shut them down and tell them to leave me alone. 

Although Kyle's different. I'd tell him everything and anything he'd want me to. I'd do anything for him. I'd die for him, even though it fucking hurts, so what! 'You like him don't you?' What? No. Shut up inner voice. 

I look back at Kyle, watching him breathe slowly. I smile and pull him closer to me. I know, I know, I don't like touching other people or people touching me, but this is different. This is Kyle for christs sake! I can't pass up this opportunity. 'Yeah cus you like him..' SHUT THE FUCK UP INNER VOICE.

Kyle's POV (Cause's hes sooooo cool/s):

I flutter my eyes, waking up slowly. This room is pretty dark so I gotta adjust- WAIT I FELL ASLEEP! Where the hell am I? I sit up, looking back at where I slept. Ok..I'm in a bed..This is NOT my bed, and ewww I drooled on the pillow..Gross..I stop worrying about that and I look around. I get off the bed, taking a step, then realizing I'm in different clothes also..Loose fitting sweatpants and a white t-shirt. 

I exit the room and groan, running my hands through my hair and trying to figure out what happened- 


"Relax Kyle, you're fine. Don't stress dude."

I look up and see Kenny, I start to relax. Now I know I'm at least in a safe place. Although Kenny did attempt to kill me once in that classroom- So maybe I should play this safe..

I anxiously smile at him and avoid making eye contact. What the hell do I say? I mean, I just woke up in his apartment. 

"It's like uh, 3 in the morning, but do you want to order something Ky?"

Ky? He hasn't called me that since we were kids. I smile slightly and nod. He walks over to me and taps something on his phone, then hands it to me. I look down at the phone and read through the menu of McDonalds, I did tell Kenny that McDonalds was one of my comfort foods, specifically their fries..I really only ordered McDonalds for their fries and a large coke. 

I mumble to myself about how bad I feel for making Kenny pay for all this shit. Well, it's not like I'm making him, but it still doesn't feel right to me. If I remember correctly, I still have like two thousand in my savings account, and probably three hundred or so sitting in my bank account. So in reality, I should be paying for this, I really can.

"Kyle, speak up. I can't hear you."

"I-I-..Sorry, I was- You know, I can pay for this Kenny, you don't have to."

"Don't worry about it, it's my treat."

"No. I'm gonna pay for this."

"Kyle. It's fine. Just let me pay."

"No no I got this, I can pay for it, really."

Time skip

Kenny's POV:

Me and Kyle sit on opposite sides of the couch, eating in silence. I can't believe he literally threw my credit card and forced his in my hand. Now I don't know where the hell my credit card is, at least it's somewhere in my apartment..

Kyle gets up and walks past me over to the trash can. I softly mutter "Dick" just to keep some fun tension between us. It's always so funny making Kyle mad..Well, it was funny until he FUCKING THREW MY CREDIT CARD. But still fun.

Kyle throws his trash away and walks back over to me, standing right infront of me. He's actually really short but since I'm sitting, of course he's towering over me. 

"Wanna say that again? I didn't hear you. It would be a shame if I missed something important you said Kenny."

"I didn't say anything?"

"Mmkay Asshole."

I purposefully trip Kyle as he tries to walk away, he falls onto the floor and I just die laughing. Hanging out with Kyle makes me miss when the group was all together. Stan's fault though. Dumbass left for no reason, wonder why he's back.

He better not be planning to take Kyle with him when he goes back. 

I'd have an issue with that.

WC: 1257

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