AN 2

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Bro I am back from Florida and I am so excited to be able to fuckin write like normal again, I've missed this so much and I've missed you guys so much, 81 notifications is a lot more than I expected when I left all of the sudden, tysm for the continuous support on this!!

When this story gets done, should I make another story like this (different ship ofc) or go back to oneshots? Personally I don't mind either or, but I feel like stories are a great way to drag out creativity while oneshots are like quick stories that you can read start to finish at one time. But it's really up to you guys, I wanna know what you want!

If you want another story or oneshot, what should it be about and also what ship? (I wont be doing any 'proships/problematic ships' but I am free to do some angst or have an unhappy ending at a story/oneshot, just not gonna add anything that's..Too far..Yk?)

Anyways..Chapter 13 coming out on Tuesday! (I'm gonna be going back to my Tuesday & Friday upload schedule, make sure to check my shouts on my profile to get updates on delayed chapters, schedule changes, etc etc)

Edit: Instead of making chapter 13 4000+ words, I'm gonna leave y'all on a slight cliff hanger and then make chapter 14 4000+ words, yk to keep the suspense there.....

Have a great day/afternoon/night!! I love you all so much tysm for 2k reads holy shitttt..

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