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Kenny's POV:

I lay on my bed, little snippets of how I almost killed Eric come back to me, I shouldn't have done it, I know I shouldn't have. But what was I supposed to do? Let him insult Kyle like that? No, fuck that. I'm not going to let that fucktard insult one of my best friends. Like what if me and Kyle date in the future? Not saying that I like him like that..But if we did, there will just be that replaying in the back of my mind, how I just sat there and let someone insult my boyfriend. No. Plus, Eric had it coming..Karma's a bitch they say, but I like to call her my friend.

I hear Kyle laughing and saying something, these walls are thin, very thin..I sit up slightly, looking at the wall beside me. His room is right by mine. I always hated the fact that Tweek's room, now Kyle's, was right next to mine. Tweek is one of those people that say aloud what they're texting people, and holy shit, half the stuff..No, all of the shit he said to Craig I never needed to hear at all.

Tweek's a good friend though, he has his flaws sure, but I do also. He always said I was a good listener, I doubt that. I just listened to what Tweek had to say because he listened to what I had to say, Tweek is my friend and I'm going to show him the same respect he shows me. Nobody really likes Tweek, barely knows him. In school, everyone either knows him as 'Craig Tucker's Boyfriend' or 'The weird twitchy kid.' Both of those titles are bullshit, Tweek is much much more than just Craig's boyfriend and some twitchy kid. 

Tweek, Tweek, Tweek, why am I just talking about Tweek? Do I miss him? Me, missing someone? Never. Yes, Tweek is my friend but- God there I go talking about him again..Maybe I do miss him. He was a good roommate. Stupid ass principal. 

What the hell is Kyle talking about? No I shouldn't snoop on his phone call. But..I do want to know who he is talking to and what he is talking about..Oh who gives a rat's ass, he ain't gonna fucking find out. 

I move closer over to my wall, crossing my legs together and putting my head against the wall, I can hear Kyle much better this way.

Kyle: "Oh my god, I know, we were so fucking stupid as kids."

???: "Pfft yeah, but hey, at least we weren't like Cartman."

Kyle: "Oh god no, Stan..If you were like Cartman..I don't think we would be talking right now."

Oh so it's Stan he's talking to? He's always talking to Stan. As kids, when he left, and even now. I mean, three months after Stan left, he stopped replying to Kyle's text, so I know they haven't talked in years but goddamn I'm here too yknow? 

Stan: "Well, I think Kenny is worse than Cartman at this point."

Kyle: "What? Seriously? No way dude. Kenny doesn't make fun of me for being Jewish. He has never ONCE said something about me being Jewish unless if he was asking a light-hearted question about it."

Stan: "Dude, he fucking sent Cartman to the hospital. He is capable of murdering someone. Bad enough you're sharing a dorm with me. I don't want you ending up dead dude. I don't give a fuck what you say, you can't fix Kenny. He's too far gone. He's a fucking psychopath, a menace. He should be in a psych ward."

Kyle: "Well damn dude, don't be so harsh..Yeah, Kenny is..I..Well..Kenny is jus-"

Stan: "Dangerous, psychotic, unpredictable, and incapable of holding himself back. He's a monster, literally."

What the FUCK? Why would Stan say that about me? Especially to Kyle? Kyle is the only person besides Tweek and Craig that treats me like somebody, and isn't scared of me or thinks that I am a monster. Yeah, I have my fucking flaws but so does he. If we're going to be talking about murderers let's not forget that he literally killed his fucking sister. 

Another one of these moments happens again, I just see red. However this time, it feels like I'm watching myself from my eyes do things, I can't control myself. I'm moving but I'm not making myself move. 

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