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If you want to get into the fanfic then skip this part and go down to the bold letters (I actually decided that I don't want to change any of the chapters. I thought about it and was like "Yknow what, those are already done, they shaped the story into what it is currently and I can't change it now, that's not how books work" so yeah. I will try to update this story as often as I can. For you all, thank you for the support!)

I didn't feel like making a whole morning scene so just time skip to them at school..

Kyle's POV:

I try to pay attention as the teacher writes things on the whiteboard. But I just can't get over the fact that Kenny suspects something. I know he does. I don't know what Principal Victoria told him, but I'm the one who caused Tweek to move out and me to move in..I'm just hoping that if he finds out, he wont take it to heart. I know how important Tweek is to him, they're best friends and have been for a long time. Jesus, Cartman always gave Kenny shit for being friends with Tweek when we were kids, but he didn't care, he stuck with him. That's a true best friend dude. I also wonder what she told Tweek. 

Kenny definitely knows something is up, but he's also not being honest with me and I know it, and neither is Stan. They both have something going on and I'm tired of it. They never get along and I just wish I could find out the reason why. 

"Broflovski, class ended 2 minutes ago. Why don't you hurry along to your next class?"


I look around, the classroom is empty. Of course it is, the teacher just said everyone left..God why am I like this? I probably just made a fool out of myself for literally looking around to check. I grab my backpack and hurry along to the next class.

But I can't focus in that class either.

Or the class after that

Or the class after that one too.

Kenny is starting to be a problem, and Principal Victoria is aware. She knows I haven't made progress, and she's probably fed up.

Craig's POV:

I sigh, listening along to Tweek and Kenny talk about something. How the hell does Kenny get to be in the front seat of the car but not me? I'm literally- Theres no reason I should be getting jealous over Kenny, I know nothing will come between me and Tweek so it's fine. Kenny's not a problem, but he's about starting to be. 

However, I'm not the first person to say that. It's talk around the school that Kenny will eventually get expelled and then the schools atmosphere will brighten. I'm genuinely surprised people believe Kenny is the reason for the schools atmosphere being low. We're in college and they don't know basic science?

Although I can't lie, I sometimes wonder how things would be if Kenny just, left? I know, that's not what I should think of Kenny, he's my friend and my partners best friend. But would things be better with him gone? I dunno.

We finally arrive to Kenny's apartment. He has to talk with Kyle about some boring shit. But I know that boring shit will be long.

"Psst. Tweeksters, come to the back for a sec."


"Kenny's gonna be gone awhile, let's make the most of it?"

"Wow, I can't believe you Craig..Reading my mind is an invasion of privacy yknow!"

We both smile at each other and Tweek hops in the back seat. Sorry in advance Kenny.

Kenny's POV:

Everyone loves to reprimand me for keeping secrets, saying I'm a snake for lying for minor things, even if I told them the truth about it, it wouldn't make a difference. I find it funny how they do that, while everyone is keeping secrets of their own. 

I walk up the stairs to my apartment door and see..What the hell is he doing here? I go up to Stan and tap him on the shoulder, he turns around and I have half a mind to punch him in the face, but 'Ask first punch later' is probably going to be the best.

"Oh hey Kenny, what are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What are you doing standing outside my apartment door." I scoff, resisting the urge to knock his lights out.

"I'm here for you Kenny. I know you like Kyle and I want to help you."

My body goes from tense to soft the moment he said that. How did he know? Why does he want to help? My mind plays 20 questions with itself as I try to figure out if Stan really just said what he said.

"Help me? Don't you like Kyle."

"Me? Have a crush on Kyle? Kenny you've always been so funny..No of course not. He's just my best friend, and you're my friend, have been since we were little. I just want to see both my friends happy."

"Sorry, I thought I was "Dangerous, psychotic" and "unpredictable?" You called me a monster dude."

Stans eyes widen and he looks down at his feet. I hear him quietly mutter something that sounds like "Damn you heard that..Thanks Kyle.." 

"Okay, look, Kenny, I was scared for Kyle. You know how I am with him. Kyle over the years has gotten into many situations where Mysterion had to get him out of, if you even remember who that vigilante was. If you don't, he wore a p-"

"I remember Mysterion Stan." A bit too well I thought to myself.

"Right, so, since Mysterion is like long gone, Kyle has no one to protect him. But it is crazy how-"

"Can we please stop talking about..Him, Stan."

I hate Mysterion. Everything about him. Every memory I have. I hate it. I hate it all. That is why I staged his death. Stan is right, he is long gone. I'd like to keep it that way. 

Stan looks at me funny but eventually changes the subject. He comes up with a plan to help me and Kyle get together. For once, I'm starting to like Stan again. He isn't so bad. I suppose jealously can make you say things you don't mean. This is a nice change. I take back everything I said about Stan, he's not my enemy..He's my friend. I can't believe that I saw him as my enemy for so long. 

WC: 1067

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