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Present day! (2023)

Kenny's POV:

I walk out of class sighing, I literally day dreamed the whole class..Thankfully I can go home now and do whatever the fuck I want! Finally. 

I walk out the building and feel a tap on my neck, I turn around to see the jittery shaking blonde kid, how I love seeing his face, because I know I'm gonna get fucked up. (Not in that way)

"K-Kenny! Um, theres this p-party tonight a-and I wanted to know if you'd be i-interested in going, they have w-weed."

"Fuck yes, I'm in, whose house?"


I give Tweek a "Bitch be for real" type look, there is NO WAY Bebe is throwing a party after what happened last time. But he just nods his head and smiles, bouncing up and down with excitement.


"Yeahh I guess." 

Tweek hugs me and I groan, I really hate hugs, but Tweek is an exception I guess. A lot of people thought he left Craig for me since Tweek likes hugging me seventy-five fucking times a day. But no, just Tweek being Tweek, as always. I watch as he runs over to Craig and tells him something. Craig looks up at his phone and smiles at me.

Tonight is going to be fun!

Time Skip + Kyle's POV:

I sit at my desk, tapping my pen on it while looking out the window. I just can't seem to focus lately. Kenny is on my mind, not in like a romantic way, I need to help him, the school. I need to fix him but I don't know how. Usually whenever Kenny was going to make a bad decision, I was always able to talk him out of it, not this time..I guess my charm wore out when we got older. 

I groan, pushing my foot off the ground, causing the chair to spin around twice or so. I get up and grab my phone from off the bed, I turn around and flop onto the bed,  swinging my feet while I check my phone for any new text messages, knowing that I'll get a text soon. It's Friday, Heidi loves to go out to parties on Fridays, so let's see which one she invites me to now. Now thinking about it, maybe I shouldn't just flop onto my bed, back first, I am always complaining about my back hurting, stupid mattress.

I always make an excuse not to go to these parties, and it works every time, not sure how though. But as I lay there, zoning out and thinking..What if Kenny would be at this party? He seems like the type to go to parties. Knowing Heidi, the parties she goes to are always full of drinking and people getting high. I told her to stop going to these, especially since we're only 19 and we all have a future ahead of us, but she doesn't care, quite like Kenny..Of course, he has to be there. He is literally throwing his life away like my girlfriend is, so he has to be there!

My eyes light up as I see a message from Heidi, I roll onto my stomach, kicking my feet into the air and giggling as I know this is probably a way I can finally show Kenny how important his future is! 

Heidi. : Party @ Bebe's, u comin or u still sick from allergies? -Today at 7:24 PM

You : I'll be there, what time does it start? :)

Heidi. : I'll be dammed..U didn't pussy out again, nice. Be there @ 8. 

You : Yep!

Well shit, nevermind. She knew every time that it was just an excuse. People keep tricking me! I groan and get up, leaving my phone on my bed. I never go to parties, but I assume you dress..Nicely..So I can't just go in some ordinary outfit that I would wear everyday! No, I gotta wear something nice!

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