Chapter 1- Birthday!

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Nobody's POV-

It was 10th April and the duck triplets were turning 11. They were all exchanging gifts and everything was fine until Louie remembered he forgot to get Huey a gift. What a disaster!

"Hey Huey. Can I talk to you in the other room?" Asked Louie.

"Yeah? Sure." Replied Huey, getting up from his seat.
They both start walking to the kitchen.

*They are now in the kitchen*

"So what did you need? We were about to exchange gifts." Asked Huey.

"About that.." said Louie, "I might of forgotten to get you a gift and-"
Louie was cute off.

"YOU WHAT?!" Huey yelled.

"But wait I'll make up for it!" Said Louie shaking.



Huey calmed down.
"You'll join the woodchucks..?" Huey said, double checking he heard Louie right.

"Yes.. Since I didn't get you a gift." Louie replied.
Louie soon saw Huey barely contain himself with excitement.

"EEK!! you're gonna love it there it's so fun and amazing! There's a special event and you can tomorrow!" Huey blurted out.

"Hey guys! Whatcha talkin' about?" Dewey said walking into the room.

"Louie's gonna join-" Huey said before Louie shoved his hands on hill beak.

"Nothing! Nothing at all you can go we will be in there. Just give us a second!" Louie lied.

*Dewey leaves the kitchen*

"Why did you lie?" Asked Huey.

"It's just a little, white lie! No harm in doing one and plus I didn't want them knowing okay?"

"But.." Started Huey.

"No 'buts', that's final, now let's go back in" Louie said as he cut Huey off.

"Wait! Can we tell them at dinner Tomorrow?" Asked Huey.

Louie thought for a second, "Oh fine go ahead but at dinner Tomorrow. Got it?"

"Got it loud and clear!" Huey replied, quickly following after.



Hello! Hope you enjoy this first chapter. I'm not that good at writing but I hope to get better!
I'm very sorry if this chapter was short. I didn't have plans for this one!

I'm also taking requests of any other stories while I write this one!

Please enjoy next chapters!

<33 Bai all!! And have a great day!!

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