-Chapter 6- After dinner

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After dinner It was getting late. Say around 12:00am. Everyone was yawning and getting tired, Especially Louie after what Huey dragged him into doing during woodchucks.

"Right. Off to bed you lad's go! Shoo!" Scrooge said.
The boys went upstairs and Donald soon went aswell to tuck them in.
"And you. Webbigail, off you go!" Scrooge added.
"Alright! Night Scrooge! Night gran!" Webby said as she skipped upstairs.

Scrooge's POV-

Hm. I'm not so sure that Louie would actually go on a hike with Huey. Especially without Dewey. Something is definitely up. But for now I guess I'll leave it for now."

I turn to see Ms. Beakly clearing away the last of the dishes.

"Hello. Mr. Mcduck. Now I advise you head to bed aswell. I will just finish the dishes and I'll be heading to bed myself." She said, "I have a few chapters of a book left for me to read."
"Alrighty then. Goodnight Bentina. See you in the morning"
I wished her a goodnight and so did she, then continued to clear away.
I head upstairs to see Donald closing to the door behind him to the lads room.
"I finally got Dewey to sleep, Louie was already flat out and Huey listens and goes to sleep straight away." He whispered.
"I suppose you are now going to bed, Huh? Donald." I replied.
"Well of course. Night uncle Scrooge." Donald wandered off.
I went to my room got in my pajamas. And I soon fell into deep slumber.

Donald POV-

Hm. I wonder how Huey got Louie to go on a hike. He hates walking, he'd rather stave. I might need to ask Huey for some tricks.
Anyways, I read the newspaper, later falling asleep.


So I know this chapter is kinda short but I didn't think of how to continue this chapter going. But I thought the next event would be better in another chapter so enjoy!

Bye!! <33

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