Chapter 5- Dinner.

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Nobody's POV-

After most of the day passed, it was finally time to go home.

"Goodbye everyone!" Digger Scott was yelling as Huey and Louie arrived a couple minutes after.
"Hello friends, I have to give you both a new badge!" Digger said,
Sticking on a badge to each of there stashes.
"One for you because you had a successful first day! And one for you too because you fully accompanied a new scout!"
"Yay!" Huey said, "Louie it's your first badge. Treasure it"
A smile appeared on Huey's face as he said it hugging his stash.
"Yeah yeah" Louie shook it off and looked at the time, "we should head back it's almost dinner."
Huey checked his watch.
"Oh you're right come on." Huey said before realising Louie has already walked off.
Behind in the distance, he heard digger say something but couldn't quite make it out what he said but he knew he was on the phone to someone.
Then he just ran off to catch up to Louie.

*With Digger Scott on the phone*

Digger- "Hey boss, the events over and it worked"

???- "it did yes?"

Digger- "Yes they all think I'm some stupid, friendly scout leader"

???- "Great now. Were the two ducks there?"

Digger- "Yes but why do you want them?"

???- "That is not any of your business. But I need them so if you get one you could get the other yes? I say going for the red one. He's easier to manipulate."

Digger- "And then what? Can I kill them?"


Digger- "Sheesh. Alright then, what do I do after that?"

???- "You bring them to me of course!"

Digger- "Ugh, Fine."

Digger hangs up the phone.

Digger POV-

Ugh! Why does that guy always got to be so "bossy" and "serious"!
I swear to god, once I'm in power he can't stop me.
Oh yes! How about the old sacrifice ritual books?
Yes! That'll do! Perfect.

Nobody POV-

Digger scatter's off to find the books.

*Back with the Mcducks!*

"Hey Huey. Not sure about you but I don't trust that guy all that much. He seems too-" Louie stopped to realize Huey wasn't listening, instead Huey was focused on his "new badge" he earned today. He never took his eyes off it as he got it. He stared at it til.
Huey jolted and his eye contact with him and his badge broke.
"Were you listening at all?!" It was Louie of course
"Uhm.. Yes?" Huey answered, not too confidently.
"What did I just say then?" Louie replied.
Huey gave no answer, embarrassed.
"Ugh. Nevermind, but just don't get too close to the new scout leader. I don't trust him." Louie said.
"You don't trust anyone, Lou. Just give him a chance!" Huey shouted, slightly.
"Well no. But question." Louie asked.
"Yes?" Huey said.
"Uhm can we not tell anyone about this until after a while, please?" Louie replied
"Oh. Why's that?" Huey gave a slight gesture of confusion.
"Well if Scrooge knows and we tell him about tomorrow he'll get suspicious and will want the gold. You know how much I like gold and would kill to have some of my own"
Huey hesitated.
"Fine" Huey said with a look of disappointment appearing in his face.
"Look I know how excited you were to tell them. So you can tell Uh. Hm." Louie paused, " Uncle Donald and I guess Ms. Beakly. If you can't keep it a secret"
"Alright then." Huey said, brightening up.
"Let's go! We almost home" Louie said, as he sped up.
Huey followed.

*At the Mcduck Manor residence*

Ms. Beakly opened the door.
"Hello boys. You are Just in time for supper, now hurry along to the table. I will go finish off the food."
"Need anything help?" Huey offered.
"No thank you, darling. I can handle it myself. Now off you go!" Ms. Beakly shut the door behind them.

Huey and Louie went to go sit at the table beside Dewey and Webby.
"Where have you two been all day?!" Dewey asked them.
"Yeah I was wondering that too" Webby added.
Huey and Louie looked at each other.
"We went on a hike!" Huey said.
"A really boring one, if you ask me." Louie said, making it convincing. He gave Huey a smirk.
"You didn't invite me?" Dewey asked.
"Well, you were still asleep when we went so we just left you for your 'beauty sleep', hm?" Huey replied.
"Hey! Beauty sleep is important! How else would I keep this look?" Dewey said, Rhetorically.
"Oh that's how. I just thought you rolled in mud every morning." Louie said sarcastically.
They all laughed as dinner when on.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because this is the longest yet. Over 800 words were used! I'm impressed.

Anyway as always bye and have a great day/evening or night!! <33

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