Chapter 2- First day.

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!!It's now the next day April 11th!!

Louie POV-

I can't believe I told Huey I'd join his woodchucks thing! Boy, that's the worst decision I've ever made. He's gonna tell everyone at dinner so that's a worry.
I guess this is karma for not getting him a birthday gift.

Soon later I saw Huey bursts in with a box filled with woodchucks stuff. Now I know he's about to give me a lecture on

"how great woodchucks are!"
Huey said, Unknowingly continuing Louies sentence in his thoughts.

"Huey, do you really have to give a lecture?" I asked.

"Yes! It's protocol! You obviously don't know that yet!" He replied.

"Well when do we get to that special event that's today?" I asked.

"Oh yes! That's in about.." Huey checked the clock, "Half an hour! That gives me enough time to pack and tell you lots of stuff!"

"Oh boy." I muttered under my breath.
If I know Huey I know he's not gonna stop going on about it.

Huey POV-

Eek!! I can't believe my youngest brother is willing to join woodchucks! So today at dinner he said I could tell everyone! Although he did say not to tell Dewey. He probably thinks Dewey will make fun of him but oh well!

After I finally got through some rules aka. The basic's of being a Junior Woodchuck! I saw Louie taking one of his so called 'Hue-ooze'. Uhh he can never just listen for once! Well he is lazy but I hope I can get him to be more motivated! I guess.

"Louieee!!" I shouted,
"Wha- huh? Oh sorry Huey." He said while yawning.
I could tell by his face that he noticed that I could barely contain my excitement!
Since it was 5:30, everyone else was still asleep but woodchucks started the event at 6:00 so we better get going!!
"Com'n Lou! We have to go! And plus you need the outfit so we will need to ask one to be made." I whisper, trying not to wake anyone else.
"Oh fine. Let's go." He said.



So hello again! Yes I will do an "authors note" at the end of each chapter. Im trying to make each chapter at least have more than 350 words. I'll try to make longer chapters but don't count on it!

I am very tired right now and write anymore til tomorrow maybe or sometime else!

I hope you understand and farewell my fellow DuckTale lovers!

Byee!! <33

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