Chapter 10- Adventure!!

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"Come on laddies! It's time to go on an adventure!" Scrooge announced.
"Alright!" Everyone else said.
"Launchpad! Start up the plane!" Scrooge yelled from across the room.
"On it, Mr Mc.D!!" Launchpad shouted back.
Soon they all heard the plane almost crash. (luckily didn't)

"Launchpad be careful when you start it!" Scrooge yelled at him, "You almost broke down my wall!!"

"Sorry, Mr Mc.D!!" Launchpad shouted, remorsefully.°

"Now. Who is ready for adventure!" Scrooge asked, Rhetorically.°

*With Huey and Louie*

"Now. We will leave in-" Digger paused, he checked his watch. "An hour. I figured the plan- oh uh meeting! Would be longer so I guess you could go around and talk until then!" He left the room.

Huey POV-

Hm. Weird he stuttered, almost say 'plan'. This is suspicious. He explained a so called "meeting" that sounded too similar to a Scrooge adventure. Not to mention, he obviously put something in the drinks. Luckily I didn't drink one but Lou did so that's something.
Then my trail of thought was shattered. By.. oh Louie.
"HUEY!" He shouted at me, I looked at him. He noticed.
"Were you even listening to a word I said?!" He sounded quite annoyed.
"Yes..?" I said nervously, trying to look away.
"Oh really? What did I just say?" He asked.
Darn. I stayed silent.
"Ugh. Nvm, I just find that "Digger" guy really suspicious. Don't you?" He asked me, invidiously.°
"Well I do actually. I found flaws in his figure of speech." I replied.
"Uh. What's with the fancy, prancy language?" He said.
"Ugh. I noticed that he stuttered a bit." I corrected.
"Oh right. Yeah he was about to say plan wasn't he?" Louie asked, double checking.
"Yes. He did." I replied.
"Yeah we should keep an eye, out." Louie then said.

Soon then we heard a voice coming towards us.
"Hello! You two are Huey and Louie right? Oh wow I know almost everything about you guys! Hey where's the third one?" She said enthusiastically.
I could tell Louie was kind of shocked, so I said "Uhm. Who are you?"
"Oh! Right. I got too excited I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Sarah!" She said.
"Oh hi Sarah." I replied.
Looking at her, I could tell she was also dedicated to woodchucks aswell! She wore a light brown top with a black skirt and socks that were kind of baggy. 
She seemed to be a type of raven maybe. She had a stash, with lots of badges on it. I mean lots.
Her hair was short with a dark blue-ish color and had a couple red stripes round the front.
She also looked similar to Digger.
"Hey Sarah, quick question. What's your last name?" I asked her.
"Oh my full name is Sarah Brambles Scott! Pretty long name I know.", She said.  I knew it but I just had to check.
"Oh are you related to Digger Scott, the scout leader, by any chance?" I said.
I noticed she paused for a moment.
"Well yeah, we are related. He's my dad. But we are not at all similar. I'm more like my mum but she said this would help get us closer. It doesn't, he always has his boss calling him. And he hasn't spoken to me once!" She replied, slightly frustrated.
"Hey. Calm down." I said, "it's alright."
By this time I noticed Louie was gone he probably went to the bathroom or something.
"So does this mean we are friends now?" She asked.
"I guess so!" I replied.
"Great! My first friend, I need to log this." She pulled out a Woodchuck guide book with a few extra details.
"You add to your guide book aswell?!" I said, shocked.
"You do too?" She said back.
"Yeah!" I replied.
"We are so similar!" She then said.
Soon Digger came back into the room. He was about to announce something. I couldn't see Louie anywhere still. We all sat down.
I looked over to Sarah.
"Hey, have you seen my brother. I haven't seen since you came over to us?" I asked her politely.
"Oh! Um. No, do you know where he could of gone?" She said.
"Well no. I thought he may of gone to the bathroom but he'd be back by now. I'm worried." I said.
"We'll find him don't worry! I'll help you." She reassured me, since she noticed the look of panic on my face. I didn't realize myself. She gave me a hug.
"Do not worry I said. We will find him. I promise." She said.


Hey, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and next one isn't a chapter it's a note with a drawing of Sarah so you get a picture!
So yes just know that!

Bye have a nice time! <33

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