Chapter 9- Scout meeting.

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Before Huey and Louie arrived.
Digger held a meeting, just like Scrooge.
Every scout was there, expect Huey and Louie. He gave them all a drink. They didn't know it had a chip in the drink.
What is Digger up too.
Suddenly, their expression changed. They all were listening to Digger, with a blank space.
There was one left. He may of miscounted but he knew it was for Huey.

*With Huey and Louie*

"Don't worry, we aren't that far right now!" Huey said, happily.
"Are you enjoying this?" Louie asked, surprised.
"Uhm." Huey paused.
"You are! Of course you are. Ugh! This is pain to me!" Louie then replied.
"Well is only another 15 minutes away so! Let's get moving" Huey said.
"Ugh." Louie moaned.

*15 minutes later*

Huey is well exercised and Louie, uhm, not so exercised.
They went inside and Louie saw the drink on the side.
"Finally, a drink!" Louie said to himself. He went off to grab the drink he came and saw Huey staring at the others.
"What's wrong, Huey?" As he took a sip, "Yuck! Somethings off about this drink. There was a hard bit in it"
Huey turned around.
"I hope you didn't swallow it." He then said.
Louie looked at him.
"Well, I did already." Louie said.
"Wait, where did you get that?" Huey asked.
"Oh, uh, off the counter over there." Louie replied.
"I'm not sure you should of drank that, Lou."
"Why not?" Louie said, "Blergh. I can feel that hard thing in there."
"Because I am pretty sure everyone else had a drink."
"What's the problem with that?" Louie asked.
"Well, look how they are acting right now. Like they all have a blank faces and they are listening to Digger." Huey the said.
"Oops?" Louie said, "but then why haven't I changed yet?"
"I don't know." Huey said, "You said their was something hard in your drink, yeah?"
"Yeah, why?" Louie said.
"I think he put a chip in all the drinks which make them listen to him. Maybe yours hasn't activated yet?" Huey said.
"Oh. I don't want to be controlled by some dumb scout leader! I didn't think he'd do this! He looked friendly and dumb, yesterday!" Louie then said.
"Well have you ever heard of acting?" Huey asked, statistically.
"Oh." Louie replied.

Little did they know Digger was around the corner and heard the entire conversation.
He went out back to call his boss.

*The call*

???: "Did you put the chips in the drinks?"
Digger: "Yes. But.."
???: "But..? What? Spit it out!"
Digger: "So everyone drank one and the duck brothers were late."
???: "So? Did they drink them?"
Digger: "I only had one left and I was going to make another but you have me one short."
???: "Which one drank it then?"
Digger: "Uh. The green one."
???: "Not the one I was hoping for but he'll do."
Digger: "Anything else?"
???: "No."

*Call ends*

"Not even a bye. Harsh." Digger said to himself.
He walked inside and slightly disabled the other chips.
"Hello everyone! As you know today we go on a great adventure!" He said.
"Quick Lou, let's go inside the hall." Huey said.
"Uhm, alright..." Louie followed, worrying about the "chip"
"Ah, The duck brothers! The red one and the green one! Take a seat! We have just started!"
"We do have names, you know.." Huey mumbled.
"Hm? What was that?" Digger asked.
"Oh. Nothing." Huey said, then took a seat.
Digger soon explained a plan similar to Scrooge's. They were looking for the same treasure, so he planned to take a different root or follow far behind.
"This seems like an adventure we'd go with Scrooge on." Louie whispered to Huey, "yeah it does" Huey whispered back.


So I tried to make this chapter longer and it did so I hope you enjoyed and I appreciate your read! Please, enjoy the next chapter.

That's all for now. Bye!! <33

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