Chapter 13! - Scrooges adventure

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No ones POV-

As Scrooge and the others set off on their adventure to find the lost treasure of boney Island!
The woodchucks got there minutes after.
"Come on friends.. are we ready..?" Digger Scott turned to the other woodchucks, who most nodded in reply,
"Awesome.. let's go!" Digger said as he walked inside the cave, the woodchucks followed clueless of his intentions.

Louies POV-

Right.. where did they go? I saw them go this way...
I tuck the keys into my pocket.
I keep quiet looking around for any clues of where they went.

I see a cave in the distance. Now If I were looking for gold. That's where I'd go.

Digger Scott's POV-

Hah.. you think I didn't notice the green duckling steal my keys? I let him! All part of my bosses plan.. he's going to escape and follow us. He has the chip in him.. he's lucky I haven't activated it. But he will when we see.. Scrooge McDuck. That b*stard. The children are clueless! I'm keeping distance but close enough to see what mcduck is doing.
Hah.. easiest plan ever.

Scrooges POV-

I have a feeling we are being followed. So I'm on guard.
I can sense it.

"Lads. Be careful.. I sense people watching us." I said to the rest and they all nod.

No ones POV-

As scrooge, and the other move and avoid traps, Digger and the scouts follow, Louie is behind and is looking for them.

"Hey Sarah?" Huey looked to Sarah as she turned around.
"Yeah? Something up?" Sarah asked.
"Well.. I'm don't feel like we should be here.. its like people are watching us..?" Huey then said.
"Watching us? How..? We are in a cave I doubt it.." Sarah said patting his back.

Sarah and Huey fell behind the others.
"We should probably catch up to the others." Sarah spoke up.
"Oh- yeah we-" Huey was cut off by loud hatch slamming further behind them.
"What was that?!" Huey asked.
"I don't know! We should check.." Sarah said as she grabbed
Hueys arm and pulled him back to where the sound came from. Finding an opening in the floor, unsure of where it leads. It was like a black hole..

Louies POV-

Ow.. I think I fell. But where the heck am I?

I rub my head while getting up, I look up.
I saw an opening. Welp. I fell into a trap. Atleast I'm not hurt badly.
Its so dark.. how am I going to see?

No ones POV-

Louie looked around the rocky cave-like area he fell into..
Suddenly something pounded onto him.

(Back with scrooge and the rest) [No ones POV still]

Dewey stopped turning around behind him
"Eh? Did any of you hear something?" He asked the rest.
"What do you Lad?" Scrooge replied as they all stopped.
"I mean, I heard something behind us.. I think I saw something too.." Dewey said.
"That's off.. right. Lena you're in charge continue ahead I'll go check no one is following us."
Lena nodded, "come on guys." They began walking ahead.
Scrooge waited behind some rocks and stone nearby. It was dark, so he was ready to pounce.

Digger Scott's POV-

Sh*t. I lost Mcduck. Dammit.. Well there's a 50 50 chance with these two tunnels..
"Hey!... which one do you all want to go?" I asked the children.. I noticed something.. "weren't there two more of you?"
I lost two of them.. they probably went to find that duck.. the green one. His brother.. and.. I look around. Sarah?! What's she doing with those ducks!
She's in big trouble..



Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed! I would love to write more but I wanted to publish this today and I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger!

Still not great at writing but I'll see if I can get chapter 14 tomorrow!

Bye bye!! Love you all!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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