chapter 12- The start

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Nobody POV-

No-one knew Diggers plan, (except Louie of course) No even Scrooge knew he was coming. His plan was almost complete, only a few more steps.

Huey saw Sarah in the distance and ran to catch up with her "Hey Sarah, have you seen Louie anywhere? I still can't find him." He asked.
"No sorry, but I feel my dad is being a bit suspicious.." Sarah replied.
"Why do you think that?" He asked her.
"Why he hasn't talked me once this whole trip! He's always on business calls and never pays attention! I hate it, he is acting so f***ing suspicious!" Sarah replied with emotion.
"Calm down Sarah. No need for that." Huey said.
"Alright, but my words were true!" Sarah said.
"Yes. Now come on we are far behind!" Huey shouted.
Huey and Sarah go to caught up with the others.

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