Chapter 7- The big event!

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Huey woke up fresh at 5am. Climbed from the top bunk and shock Louie awake.

"Ughh." Louie moaned, "Huey it's 5am. Do we seriously have to go?"
"Well I mean, you could stay later and everyone finds out." Huey replied, "Plus he said we going on a gold adventure and we will learn lots of things!!"
"But I hate learning. I'll come for the treasure though." Louie offered.
"Ugh fine, just get up and let's go!" Huey murmured.
"Fine by me!" Louie said.

*A minutes minutes later*

Dewey's POV-

I get up to see that Huey and Louie are gone. Again! They better not be somewhere without me. Because I swear when they get back to see they went and did something without me, they won't like it! But if not. Ugh! This is suspicious, I'm gonna tell uncle Donald.

"Uncle Donald!!" I yelled.
"Yes Dewey?" I heard a moan from the house boat.
"Are you awake??" I asked him.
"Yes. I am awake." Uncle Donald said coming out towards me.
"What do you need?" He asked.
"Well. I woke up yesterday and Huey and Louie were gone, turned out they were on a hike. And now they are gone today! Like how can Huey get Louie on a hike?!"
"I don't know. Just leave them. Scrooge said he wants a meeting about a adventure today. So I'm going to get dressed while you go to the lounge." He said to me.
"Alright, uncle Donald" I replied.

*With Huey and Louie*

"Hey Huey, Are we almost there??" Louie moaned.
"Can you be patient for once?" He asked, but before Louie could answer he said, "Nevermind, we almost there so, be quiet"
"Where did he say to meet up?? Because this is taking ages" He asked.
"I don't know, he just sent directions." Huey answered.
"Oh, are we lost? Or something?" Louie questioned.
"No, be quiet or we will be lost!" Huey said.
Louie shut up and they went ahead.


So basically this chapter was hard to think of. I'm gonna end it here and the next chapter will have the Scrooge's meeting and that's it. (Just saying).

Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you enjoy the next!

That's all for now! Bye!! <33

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