Chapter 11- Where is Louie?

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Louie POV-

While Huey was talking to that girl. Sarah I think? I went and looked around I mean like, ive never been here so. Might aswell look around.
I heard that new scout leader guy, I forgot his name but I don't care.

"Don't worry boss. The plan is coming together! Slight problem. The red one didn't have the drink the green one did and I don't have any more." He said.
I hid behind the wall next to the room he was in.
Someone talked back to him on the phone.
"Okay. I got it. No need to repeat it over and over. Follow Scrooge, let him set off traps and do the hard work. Turn on the devices and steal the riches." He said. To be honest, that was quite stupid of him to recite the plan out loud though. But when I tried to sneak away, I stepped on a crack.
Then I heard him say,
"I have to go."
Sh!t, he's gonna catch me. What do I do?
I turned around to face him.
"Well, well, well. Look what the cat brought in!" He said, in a deleterious tone.
I started to back away.
"Hey. You're not going anywhere." He grabbed me by the wrist. Jeez, he has like the strongest grip in the world!
But for some reason just then my eyes blacked out and I woke up in a room tied to a chair.

Nobody POV-

*With Huey and Sarah*

"I hope he's okay, right now." Huey said.
"I'm sure he is perfectly fine." Sarah reassured him.
"Yeah. I hope" Huey mumbled.

"Now then!" Digger said, "We go in about 15 minutes! So I'd advise you pack your bags, friends!"
"I don't like how you father says 'friends' it sounds suspicious." Huey said to Sarah.
"I get that a lot. I do think that aswell but whenever I ask he avoids it. Like his actual job and stuff." She replied.
"Now that is someone who is doing wrong. Really." Huey Whispered, "I'm going to pack my bag."
"Alright, see you in a bit!" Sarah said and then skipped off.
Huey went and packed his bag, worrying about Louie.


Hi guys sorry this chapter is like way shorter than others. I didn't have plans for this chapter. It was technically a brief description of where Louie was/is!

This isn't continued at the moment as you see from my updates book! So if you want to see more please do say because I am feeling less motivated to write this book!
Im writing others though!!

Hope you liked it and are enjoying it so far.
Bye!!! <33

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