Chapter Twenty-Two: The Hierarchy

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We said nothing more as the gates of Cuan Caoineadh opened for us and Gobhainn climbed up next to the driver once more. The carriage rolled forward and my gaze didn’t leave the window as we wound our way through the streets of the town towards the watchtower that dominated the headland and looked out over the Roaring Bay. Not that I saw anything with barely held back tears blurring my vision.

I felt Lord Styrkr’s eyes on me, but I refused to turn towards him or acknowledge him in any way. I didn’t have much pride, but he’d bruised what little I possessed. I only hoped our hosts would take any moodiness on my part as a response to leaving home or being shipped off to a male I barely knew, and not as the consequences of my escort’s misdeeds.

Gods... How wished we were returning to the watchtower I loved, not pulling up outside a tower I’d only visited a handful of times, where a line of stern-faced wolves waited to greet their unexpected guests.

Damn them all. But most of all, damn Lord Styrkr Stormrsverð.

When the carriage came to a stop and Gobhainn opened the door, I almost launched myself out of it, giving Styrkr no opportunity to get there first. Without waiting for the princeling to emerge, I strode with purpose and faux confidence towards Lord Misneach Ceanntíre and his alpha female, Lady Cinnte Ceanntíre. I inclined my head to each of them in turn, greeting them as I would any alpha pair, but I had no intention of going beyond that.

“Lord and Lady Ceanntíre, thank you for welcoming us to your home. It’s many years since I last visited Cuan Caoineadh.”

Both the patriarch and matriarch blinked at me in surprise, glancing past me as Lord Styrkr emerged from the carriage and stalked towards us to, a rumbling growl vibrating through him that should have sent a bolt of fear through me but only irritated me instead.

“Prince Styrkr, it’s an honour to have you stay with us,” Lord Ceanntíre announced, ignoring me entirely in a way that made me bristle.

“It’s my pleasure,” Styrkr answered without glancing at me, tipping his head slightly in a respect I doubted he’d bestow on any of the younger members of the pack. “And please, Lord Styrkr will do. I value my privacy on this trip.”

“Of course, my lord,” the head of the Ceanntíre pack agreed. “May I introduce my family? This is my mate, Lady Cinnte Ceanntíre. My eldest son and pack beta, Deimhin - his twin sister, Dána, has already moved on, mated to Fearuíl, the beta and future alpha of Cuan Óir. Then we have Deimhin’s mate, Tréine.” Lord Ceanntíre indicated to each person in turn, still not acknowledging me. “My next son, Uchtach, has already left as well. Then we have my son, Muiníneach. My daughter, Siúráilte, who will be leaving in the autumn. My second youngest son, Neart, then my youngest daughter, Allta. My youngest son, Loiscneach, is only seven and he’s already in bed, as are Deimhin’s young, but we will introduce them come morning.”

Styrkr looked over each of the pack members in turn, but only inclined his head to Lady Cinnte. Deimhin snarled, stiffening in defiance when Styrkr refused to bow to him, but my escort met his rebellion with such a look of fierce confidence that the poor beta backed down almost immediately, baring his throat in a way that said he had considered the pecking order and found himself wanting. The others fell in line after that.

“We have arranged a late supper, as I’m sure you must be hungry from your journey,” Lord Ceanntíre declared, then finally deigned to glance at me. “Lady Fiáin, out of respect for your father, you shall be seated between Siúráilte and Neart.”

I didn’t know whether to growl or laugh, but I wasn’t in a mood for mirth. I followed my hosts into their tower of yellow stone, admiring its leaded windows, decoratively carved lintels, and ornate corner stones, but I didn’t take the place offered to me. I ignored how Siúráilte made room for me between her and Neart, stalking past both of them, and then past Muiníneach too, who blinked at me in surprise but seemed too taken aback to do more. He was my age and had clearly grown accustomed to sitting next to the beta pair, but he made no move to stop me.

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