Chapter 6 - Call Me Jeremy

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"That is crazy! So, are you going out with him?"

I check my retro alarm clock and roll over on my back resting my head on the pillow. It's already past one o'clock in the afternoon. Sosa and I have been on the phone for nearly two hours talking about everything that happened yesterday. Well, almost everything.

"Mhm," Sosa replies with a wistful sigh. "At least some good came out of yesterday." She starts to giggle and then stops abruptly as she remembers the less romantic part of the night. "I am so sorry by the way," she says apologetically. "It happened so fast, I couldn't control it."

"So you said. Don't worry. I'm getting used to it," I tease her back.

If only she knew that wasn't even the craziest part of the night. Sosa flipping out after a couple of drinks is standard. Heck, it's almost mandatory.

But sharing a taxi home with The Boss, arguing all the way because he wouldn't stop lecturing me about how dangerous it is for two girls going out on their own and getting wasted like that? That is something I still can't wrap my head around. And the way he looked at me as he said goodnight... It was so strange. I swear he switches personalities faster than the speed of light.

"He's just dreamy though, isn't he?" Sosa exclaims.

"Who?" I ask sharply sitting up, pushing the image of Mr Cordina eyeing me from my mind.

"Mhux Derek?!" she replies.

I close my eyes and breathe out.

Derek. Of course.

"The way he picked me up and carried me over the threshold, like a knight in shining armour," she goes on in a soft sing-song voice.

"Ugh. You are so dramatic," I scoff rolling my eyes. "We were in a dance club, not a war zone!"

"Don't rain on my fairy tale, Ally!" she snaps and I snort loudly.



"Don't rain on my parade not... Never mind. I'm glad you're happy and I'm not raining on anything, I promise."

I get off the bed and open the window to air the room. Yesterday's clothes are strewn across the floor and actively reeking of tobacco. A light breeze flows through the curtains bringing in with it the usual clamour from the streets below and the pleasant smell of cooking, probably Carmen's. She always has her sons over for lunch on Saturdays.

"So, when are you two going out again?" I go on.

"I'm not sure," she answers slowly. "But we agreed to take it slow this time. Ifhem, I don't blame him for running away. Can you imagine finding your girlfriend and your best friend kissing in your own bedroom?"

A short laugh escapes my lips. "I never liked Alexia. I had no idea she and Derek used to date but there's something about her I just never liked." I wedge the receiver between my ear and my shoulder and bunch my hair up on top of my head to get the cigarette smell as far away from my nose as possible. "I don't get how they're still friends, the whole lot of them."

"What do you mean?" Sosa asks discerningly.

"Well," I pause trying to find the right words. "Let's say you walked in on me and Derek making out on your bed. Do you think we'd still be friends?"

I can literally hear her brain cells processing and working hard to come up with a solid defence.

"But Derek is still not okay with it. That's why he wanted to break up with me. He was afraid I might do the same thing."

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