Nanna's laugh rings melodiously around the room as Jeremy sings his off-tune and rude rendition of Jingle Bells. He's had one too many shots of Double Black I think, but I know he's also doing it for her sake, and maybe even mine. I stare at the glittery star in my hands.
"Would you like to put up the star, Nann?"
She looks questioningly at me, her hazel eyes bright in her pale, tired-looking face. "But you always hang up the star, honey."
"I know, I'm only offering," I shrug, trying to sound off-hand.
She smiles warmly at me. Jeremy stops singing and looks at his hands, thinking hard about how to get all the glitter off his palms.
"I want to see you do it," she says assuredly.
"Okay. I'll get a chair."
"You don't need a chair," Jeremy says taking another sip of his whiskey and settling down into a crouching position. "I'll give you a boost."
I stare at him in wonder as he slaps his hands together in an attempt the get them clean. He must be having a laugh.
"Come on, Jingles, let's go!" he urges, tapping his shoulders.
"Jingles? What happened to Sparky?" I ask realising that he hasn't called me that in forever.
"'Tis the Season," he smiles wickedly.
I hang my head resignedly and walk towards and around him. He smirks as I lift one leg over his right shoulder and rest it on his thigh. The damn bastard knows he can get anything he wants with that smile of his and I have half a mind to slap the back of his head. But then he holds onto my knee with one hand and gives me his other hand for support, and the fear of him dropping me outweighs my need to win this particular battle. I take hold of his hand and then, shifting my body weight to keep my balance, I swing the other leg over his left shoulder. He holds me steadily placing both hands on my thighs.
"Don't drop me!" I warn nervously.
"Of course, I won't," he mutters with obvious irritation.
He stands up easily and I lean forward against the back of his head to keep myself balanced as he walks towards our humble Christmas tree. My legs wrap around his torso for stability and I reach forward to grab the topmost branch. Just as my fingers graze the bristly leaves, Jeremy lurches backwards and I grab wildly into the air almost losing my balance and dropping the star.
"Wahey!" he shouts as he squeezes my thighs tighter to make sure I don't fall.
"What the?" I look down and catch him grinning broadly in the mirror hanging on the wall by the door. "Jeremy James Cordina!" I grit my teeth angrily.
Nanna starts giggling again from her corner on the sofa. She covers her mouth but I see her bright eyes gleaming.
"Alright, Alright! I'm sorry. Here we go," he says, his voice serious again. He takes a step towards the tree. I reach forwards and almost fit the star in its rightful place when he leaps about a meter to the right.
I feel his broad shoulders vibrating beneath me as he laughs heartily. "Jer, quit it!" I scream, my heart beating fast as again I envision myself falling face down onto the floor.
Nanna can't help it anymore. She doubles up howling with laughter. Encouraged by this, Jeremy pretends he's going to drop me again. I sway precariously on top of him but he holds on to me firmly and adjusts me so that I'm in line with my centre of gravity again.
"Oh my God! I swear, I'm going to kill you!" I hit him repeatedly with the star on the top of his head, filling his hair and eyes with glitter.
"Ouch! Ow! Stop! Why so aggressive, Jingles?"

The Art of Starting Over
RomanceHave you ever sunk so low that you actually felt relieved, knowing that it couldn't possibly get any worse? Well, I have... Many times. I lost everything. My family, my future, my home... I swore I would never depend on anyone ever again. And he...