Chapter 35 - Phone Calls

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Three or four screwdrivers later, I head back to our table and squat down in front of Sosa to tell her I'm leaving.

"What? Already? It's only... How is it already one o'clock?" she exclaims.

I laugh, happy that she's enjoying her night. "Have fun, okay? I'll call you tomorrow."

I kiss her on the cheek and wave goodbye to the rest of the party. Derek and Matt mutter a polite goodnight but Alexia straight up glares at me. I begin to wonder what her problem is when I notice Shaun looking determinedly the other way, his fingers tapping nervously against the leather couch.

Any other time, I would probably be feeling guilty, but not tonight. I had a terrible week and I'm not about to regret the only three decent hours I've had in the past five days. Besides, I'm not the one who set this up. And really, he should have known better than to come if he didn't want to see me because the chances of me being here were pretty decent.

I'm almost out the door when my phone rings again. I fish for it in my bag and I'm surprised to see that it's from a number my phone doesn't recognise. I stare at it, debating whether or not to answer. Maybe, it's Jeremy again. But why would he be calling from another phone? Then I turn around and look suspiciously at the bar.

The bartender is leaning casually over the counter, holding his phone against his ear with a mischievous look on his face.

I answer the call.


"Hello, Alison. This is Keith. The handsome bartender from The Black Gold. I just wanted to make sure you didn't give me a fake number," he says his smile growing wider.

I roll my eyes at him. I seriously doubt someone has ever given him a fake number.

"Well, thank God I didn't then," I reply smiling back.

"Yes, indeed. Now go on home, Alison. Your boyfriend's looking!"


I run down the stairs to answer the phone but Nanna Millie gets to it first. It's only been ten days since we left the hospital but the progress she's made is remarkable. She had an uncomplicated recovery. Her wound is healing nicely and she is down to just two grams of paracetamol a day.

The first few days were hard, especially since she wouldn't let me help her with anything. Then, after a lot of arguing and a particularly scary moment where her incision started oozing, we came up with an arrangement we could both agree on.

I do the shopping, heavy lifting, laundry and cleaning of the very high and very low areas and she does the cooking, baking and light housework, like damp dusting, folding clothes and tidying up.

But other than that, it's been a marvel watching her get back on track. She was over the moon yesterday. She went to bingo with Carmen and came back with a bag full of muffins. Everyone was so happy to see her again that they gave her their dessert. Ironically, she couldn't have them because they were loaded with sugar. But it still made my heart soar to see her so joyful.

I managed to catch up on my literature and philosophy work fairly quickly. Marisa was so happy after my last lesson that she said I should consider taking the exams in the next sitting. I was so excited I called Jeremy to tell him as soon as I got out of class but then hung up after one ring, figuring he wouldn't be interested since he was going out of his way to avoid me.

He's been calling and visiting Millie while I'm at work and, while I'm happy that what happened between us isn't affecting his relationship with her, I cannot ignore the ache in my heart when I come home and see the flowers in the living room and the groceries on the counter. The scent of him and his stupid cologne is everywhere and it's nothing more than a constant reminder that he doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore.

Millie doesn't know about the cold war we have going on. I didn't tell her because I didn't want to upset her. And also because I can't really explain what happened. I mean, nothing happened! Right?

I haven't told her about Keith either. Keith the bartender who is so good with words he can give Hardy a run for his money. Keith, who is fun and silly and helps me forget about everything that's wrong in my life. Keith, who instantly puts a smile on my face and gives me butterflies. Butterflies! I haven't had butterflies since Jake.

He called the morning after Sosa's party and asked if I wanted to meet up for drinks. With things being the way they were with Jeremy, my afternoon was wide open, so I said yes. And this was very convenient because Nanna just assumed that I'm going out with The Boss.

We've met almost every day since then. He picked me up after my lessons and had a beer by the beach. I went twice to The Black Gold to see him at work and we spent almost all of last Sunday together while Millie was out.

Just like that, he made what should have been a very rough ten days pass in the blink of an eye. And that's why he's my secret! For now, at least. I don't want to jinx it or worse, panic and push him away. Knowing Millie and Sosa, they'll throw an engagement party if they find out I'm dating someone I actually like, and Jeremy will... well, I guess Jeremy won't do anything.

"So, it's already booked?" Millie says into the receiver.

Seeing her alarmed face, I hurry down the rest of the stairs and stand next to her.

"Okay," she says. "Thank you."

"What is it?" I ask as she hangs up.

"That was the nurse from Dr Debattista's clinic," Nanna replies. "She says he booked a PET scan for today."

"But our appointment is tomorrow," I say over my galloping heart.

Nanna chews on her lower lip and stares at the phone for a few seconds, the worry evident on her face. Then she shakes her head and says, "Yes. She said we need it done now so that the report will be out in time for our appointment."

I can barely hear myself think through the panic building in my chest. "Now? Did she say why he booked it?"

Millie shakes her head. "We better go. They're waiting for us."


I can't sleep.

I can't sleep!

I stare at the ceiling, then at my phone, then I sit up. I get out of bed and pace around the room, then I grab my phone and set it back down. The appointment is at eleven o'clock tomorrow. That's ten hours away. Ten!

I get back in bed, trying to forget about the tall, bristly radiographer who didn't even tell us his name. He didn't tell us anything about what he saw on the screen either. All he said was, "Your doctor will speak to you tomorrow."

Yes, we know that. Thanks.

I wonder if Nanna is sleeping. It's so quiet.

I wonder if Jeremy is sleeping. I wonder if he'll pick up if I call him. Surely he would know it must be urgent for me to call at this hour. With a loud sigh, I give in and dial his number.


My heart stops. My blood freezes. My whole body goes cold.

"Hello?" the unquestionably female voice says again in an irritated tone and strange accent.

I hang up and turn off my phone, quickly rubbing at the unwelcome sting in my eyes, trying hard to control my anger, because that's what I am. Angry.

I'm angry at the girl who is answering Jeremy's phone at this time of night. I'm angry at the nameless radiographer for not saying anything useful. I'm angry at Dr Debattista for ordering a scan without explaining why. I'm angry at my brain for reeling and riveting nonstop. I'm angry at my slithering intestines, lurching ad nauseum in my gut. I'm angry at the glitched paint on my ceiling for not being more interesting and most of all, I'm angry at myself for not getting a grip and going to sleep.

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