The red Porsche pulls up in front of the store at exactly seven in the evening and my face goes red. Jeremy doesn't get out of the car. He turns off the engine, turns on the hazard lights and waits for us to close up.
Sosa freezes with her arm hovering in mid-air clutching the new matte, long-lasting lipstick that will be on promo sale tomorrow. She turns to face me with eyes narrowed, lips pursed disapprovingly.
"He wants to see Millie," I say defensively. "You should come over too. Stay for dinner!" I tell her, genuinely wanting her to come.
She mumbles something about having plans with Derek and strides across the floor to wash her hands in the back. When she comes out, she slams the door and locks it noisily. I switch off the lights, grab my bag and we walk out together. Sosa locks the door and pulls down the shutters.
I look at her tentatively and she gives me a small smile which I take as a sign of truce.
"See you on Tuesday?"
"See you, Sunxajn," she replies as she pulls me into a hug.
She shoots Jeremy a dirty look and he honks obnoxiously at her in response. Fully aware of the eyes of the whole square on me, I climb hesitantly into the Porsche.
"You're a jackass!"
The car roars to life and leaps forward and I look determinedly out the window, trying to focus on anything but the smell of his cologne. It reminds me of the scene he pulled this morning, instantly causing an unwelcome flutter in my stomach.
"You're not working on Monday, are you?" Jeremy asks, turning down the volume of the rock music coming from his stereo as we round the corner onto the narrow street that leads to the alley.
"No," I reply apprehensively. "Why?"
"You have your first class at five p.m," he replies without taking his eyes off the road.
I turn to him, not sure if I heard correctly. "Excuse me?"
"Your first class. You'll be starting with English Literature and your tutor's name is Marisa. She's very sweet. She'll give you the list of books when you get there but she told me you'll be starting with Shakespeare's King Lear, so I got you a copy. It's in the pocket by the side there."
I look at him incredulously. Does he even know the difference between assistance and intrusion?
"I can't," I blurt out angrily. "I'm taking Millie to the cinema."
"Can't you take her tomorrow?"
"No, she's working tomorrow."
"Oh. Well, I can take her," he replies simply. "Monday. What time?"
"It's not about getting her there, Jeremy! I want to spend some time with her before..." A lump gets caught in my throat. "Before the surgery."
"Well, I'm sure your grandmother will understand. And besides it's only an hour and a half, you can still go afterwards." I note the subtle irritation in his voice.
"That's not the point! You can't just book classes for me without asking!"
His face tightens as he clenches his teeth and slams his foot on the brakes. The car jerks to a stop in front of Joe's garage, where he always parks.
"Have you already booked someone else?" he asks turning towards me and looking me square in the eye.
"No, but-"
"And do you know anyone in particular who could teach you?"
"No! But-"
"Have you even tried to look up what classes or courses are available?" The blue of his eyes gleams icily at me. The man is not even trying to conceal his irritation anymore. "You're just making excuses again!"

The Art of Starting Over
RomanceHave you ever sunk so low that you actually felt relieved, knowing that it couldn't possibly get any worse? Well, I have... Many times. I lost everything. My family, my future, my home... I swore I would never depend on anyone ever again. And he...