The Aftermath

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As soon as I got her in, she took up the bathroom for hours and was a whole different person. Her hair brushed out and no longer matted but sported a clean sheen. She took off her butterfly bandaids now as the scars were nearly healed and she didn't scare quite as many record store customers. Something I didn't know before was that she was hilarious. I caught myself laughing so much that I could hardly breathe. She was a firecracker with her replies. Amidst the hushed ambiance of the record shop, I found myself most at ease when Fallon's laughter echoed through the space. It wasn't just any laughter; it was a departure from her usual intense and dry sarcasm. Her laughter, a delightful infusion of silliness, brought a lightness to their interactions that I craved. It was the antidote to the otherwise serious and guarded persona Fallon projected. In the warmth of her laughter, I discovered a comfort he rarely felt with others. Unlike the need to be performative or measured around strangers, he reveled in the lightheartedness that seemed to bloom effortlessly between them. There was a simplicity in our connection, a genuine exchange unburdened by expectations. The silence that often lingered between our conversations wasn't awkward; instead, it was a shared space where words felt unnecessary. I couldn't pinpoint why this silence felt so comfortable, but in its embrace, I found a refuge from the noise of the world. Whether it was Fallon's infectious laughter or the unspoken understanding that permeated our silences, I cherished the authenticity of our connection, a sanctuary in the midst of life's complexities.

All she wore for weeks were my clothes I could find in the back of my closet. They were extremely large on her, but she didn't seem to care. She had found her place at the front desk of the shop each morning, talking with customers and helping them with purchases, a talent I never grew into. The once dull shelves were now like a lively art canvas, thanks to her quick and infectious vibe. I usually stuck to my comfort zone when it came to music, but Fallon's playlist of alternative tunes shook things up and introduced me to a whole new world of sounds.

Her eclectic choices played storyteller, turning the record shop into a dynamic space of narratives. The alternative beats she picked added a whole new layer to the shop's atmosphere, making me appreciate the value of a good soundtrack for moments I never thought needed one. Her face had healed somewhat after the few short weeks she had been living here and she was left with some gnarly scars down her neck. It hurt me to look too long, knowing how much pain was inflicted to get them. I couldn't begin to imagine what kind of person could hurt this lightbulb I invited into my life. It sure got me angry. I chose not to think about it. I hadn't spoken much to her, but I was quite at ease with listening. She did have a lot to say.

Oh my gosh, that is so annoying.

That's cute, what is that?

Doesn't that just give you ick, like gross.

I had never had so many thoughts in my life, yet here I was listening to all hers that she voiced out loud. It was weird. As soon as she said a sentence, I nodded, understanding where her thought came from. I wondered if I was broken. Why didn't I think as many thoughts as she seemed to? She became my inner voice, somewhat, out loud. I thoroughly enjoyed it. My days were never long anymore; they were outlined in contentment. In the midst of the record shop's vinyl beats, Fallon's energy seemed to splash vibrant colors all around. When Fallon decided to give our apartment a makeover, her touch wasn't confined to just the shelves. Those plants she brought in? They literally brightened things up. The apartment, once kind of blah, now soaked up the natural light like a sponge. It matched the vibe of the record shop, creating this cool balance between our living spaces. This change hit me deep. Fallon showed me a different way to live, one that broke me out of my usual solitude. My gratitude went beyond the surface; it seeped into my everyday life. The quiet corners of my world were now humming with music and the greenery she added, making my place feel like a comfy symphony I never knew I needed. I wanted to do something extra nice for her that day, so I counted my stack of savings. I never found a reason to use the money. I saved because I knew I should, then I would ask myself what the point even was. She brought a lot of light into my life just by being around me, and I would like to pay her back.

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