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The morning breeze flowed through your hair. You were taking a trip down to the market today. The busy streets came into view. The doors to different shops were opening and closing. A man opened the door for you to walk through. You grabbed a few sleep wear sets and casual wear. Then you saw a stuffed dragon and grabbed it from the shelf. You paid the merchant and stepped back out from the store.

You were paid by the kingdom for guarding the palace. There was more money in your bag than you ever saw growing up, which wasn't hard to beat.

You walked back to the palace. It was still surreal to walk up to the palace as your new home. Flashes of the dirty streets you grew up in shot through your brain. You shook your head, continuing up the steps and walking through the door with your bags.

You reached the warrior housing and sat the bags on your bed in your room. You looked around it was more bare than the other girls. They brought things from home or were sent packages from their family. You weren't so lucky. You put your new clothing items away. The time passed, and you changed into your pajama set. It was comfortable and easy on the eye. It was modest enough to walk around in the palace with it on.

You stopped at kiyi's room, knocking on the door, and peeked in, and just as you suspected, she wasn't in the room. You walked down the next few halls headed for Lord Zuko's room. You knocked on the door. Kiyi opened the door and grabbed your hand, pulling you in.

"Zuzu! She's here!" She laid down on the empty bed. "Ayushi, tuck me in, please!" She exclaimed excitedly. You walk into the room a little more comfortably, wrapping the girl up in a blanket, tucking her in. "I got you a gift today while I was out. I have a friend for your bison." She clutched her Bison tightly, gasping at the dragon you extended out to her. You pat her head and sit down at the end of the bed.

"I love him! I'm gonna name him Ryu. Zuzu! Look at Ryu!." The girl called towards a door on the other side of the room.

Zuko stepped out of the door. His hair was damp and put together. He stood in the doorway leaning on his shoulder. "I see him, kiyi. He looks like he is a great friend for Akio."

Your eyes flicked back to the girl quickly. Zuko was dressed again in a silk set, but there was something so intimate and domestic about being in the Firelord's room after he bathed.

He sat down on the bed. You bowed to him from your sitting position. "Lord Zuko."

His smile was so inviting. "Ayushi." You matched his smile.

"Zuzu needs to be tucked in." Kiyi said suddenly. "Can you tuck him in Ayushi?"

"Oh, u.." You glanced over at the Firelord, unsure of exactly what to do. He seemed just as awkward about the situation.

His eyes traveled from his sister to you. He got up, pulling the sheets back, and laid down next to the girl. She grabbed his arm, gigging with pure sibling love.

You stood up rounding the bed and pulled the cover over him. Your eyes caught his they were still that same gorgeous golden color. You were careful not to look at his scar. You had heard from the other warriors that he didn't particularly like it when people did.

You looked over at kiyi, making sure she was pleased. She took her hand and patted her head like you did when you finished tucking her in. You looked back at the Fire Lord. The touch barrier that was so thick with wealth and power seemed to diminish as the girl asked for such a childish thing. You placed your hand on his hair and ran your hand through it softly. "All tucked in."

Kiyi handed Zuko her stuffed, flying Bison. "Zuzu, you have to hold Akio." You snickered quietly as the well-built twenty year old leader of the nation reached out and grabbed onto the stuffed Bison.

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