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Suki patted you awake. "Ayushi, get up. The group is getting into uniform."

You tossed the covers over and stood up. "Thank you, Suki." You spoke quickly, getting your things in order. You grabbed your uniform.

Suki placed her hand over yours. "No uniform. You're going as a guest. Lady Ursa requested it." Her grin was wide.

"Oh... okay." You grabbed a fire nation outfit and got changed. You grabbed your bags and followed the warriors that were ready.

"Yushi!!!!" Kiyi called out running towards you. She grabbed your hand and pulled you to her mother. "Yushi, come on! It's going to be so much fun, we are going to go swimming, and make sandcastles, Zuzu said he would play too. We can go feed the turtle ducks..." kiyi kept talking about the different things you would be doing.

You listened to the girl smiling and laughing as she pulled you past her mother and through the doors following the warriors to the dock. "Wait, Kiyi. We have to wait for your family." You said between laughter.

"Go ahead, you two, we will catch up." Lady Ursa called out to you both.

"Yushi, let's go!" She let go of your hand and ran with the warriors walking around her. You ran after her, grabbing her hand and keeping up with her pace. This girl was a little ball of energy.

Lady Ursa looked back at her son, whispering while servants packed their things away. "No uniform?"

"I told Suki to tell her you invited her. I knew kiyi would like the company." He spoke softly to his mother.

Her lips perked up into a smirk. "Then I'm happy to have invited two guests." She led her son to follow her to the dock.


You got to the dock with Kiyi, both of you laughing. The first group of warriors weren't far behind.
"Uncle!!" Kiyi exclaimed, running to the man at the end of the dock. He was dressed in Earth kingdom colors, but Iroh was still very recognizable. Kiyi wasn't exactly related to him by blood, but she took to what Lord Zuko called him. it was such an innocent way of thinking. Of course, Iroh was more than happy to take on a niece.

"Princess! It is lovely to see you again. Who is your friend?" Iroh held his niece and smiled towards you.

"That's Ayushi. She tells me and Zuzu bedtime stories." She smiled proudly.

"You and FireLord Zuko. Must be some good stories." He grinned at the girl, setting her back down to her feet.

Your face tinted pink. Kids were just so blunt. "It's nice to meet you, General Iroh." You bowed.

"No, no, I'm just Iroh now. I am no general, I own a tea shop. It's a much better place to be."

"Im sure it is. I would love to visit one day." You smile politely.

"Uncle, look, it's Zuzu!" Kiyi yells out, pointing to Lord Zuko escorted with a second set of warriors.

Lord Zuko smiled brightly, seeing iroh. "Uncle!"

"Nephew!" Iroh bowed. The men hugged one another. "It's good to see you, Lord Zuko."

Lady Ursa greeted iroh. She stood beside you and grabbed your hand. "Thank you for being here. I know Kiyi and Zuko will love your company without being a guard. The royal life is very isolated."

You nod your head. "Thank you for inviting me."

She released your hand and walked into the door to go under deck. The warriors set up at their posts, and the others went under the deck to rest before nightfall.

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