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You let go of Zukos' arm and set your clothes down on your bag. "If you want me to find a different place to sleep, I can go to the ship. I'm sure the girls have room ov.."

"No, it's fine. I don't mind."

"Okay..." You trailed looking at your bag, not daring to turn around to look at him. "I'm sorry about grabbing you. Suki was just being a lot for me to handle. She knows how to get on my nerves." You walk back towards the door, still your eyes on the ground. "Thank you, Lord Zuko, for the clothes."

"Dont worry about it. We better get out there, or kiyi is going to be upset." He said simply.

"Zuzu! Yushi! Come look at the turtle ducks!" You followed Zuko around to a fountain. Kiyi was kneeled in front of the fountain with Ursa.

Zuko sat next to Ursa, and you sat next to Kiyi. The turtle ducks floated around, and Ursa handed food to Kiyi. Kiyi split the food and handed some to you. "Thank you, Kiyi." You spoke softly. Ursa handed some food to Zuko, too. Kiyi tossed some food at the turtle ducks she giggled at the turtle ducks swimming around. You smiled and giggled with her. She was such a cheerful child it was so infectious. You tossed some food to the turtle ducks. They bobbed around at the food.

"More food! More food!" kiyi smiled brightly, watching them. You laughed with pure joy. Zuko tossed the food he had, only causing more laughter from the girl. The turtle ducks eating was the funniest thing in the world to the young girl. Your gaze caught Zukos. His laugh was slowing. There was a moment in time that seemed to belong with you two. You have seen him with his sister this whole time, but something about the look in his eye was meaningful. It washed away any worries that he was upset about the walk back.

You pulled your eyes away, shifting them to Kiyi. "I want to play in the water!" She stood up and ran to the beach. The group followed her. You walked beside Ursa. She wrapped an arm around you and Zuko, guiding you both to the beach.

You sat down on a towel that was laid out. Zuko sat beside you on the other towel. "I'm going to go inside. I will see you both at lunch." Ursa called.

Ursa passed through the halls. She motioned to suki to follow her. "I saw it went to plan... It's a little better than I expected." Ursa smirked.

Suki peered out the window, seeing the pair talking and watching the girl play. "I didn't believe you when you told me he liked her, but ever since I had her guard near Kiyi's room, they have been inseparable."

"I'm his mother. I know when something is going on it that head. He just needed a push. Zuko is very shy. He grew up in the castle as the only boy." Ursa spoke quietly.

"Hua said Ayushi doesn't believe that he likes her." Suki looked up at Ursa.

"She will see it eventually. What were they doing when you found them at the shops?" She asked

"Walking out of the store. He was holding her hand. I got her to hold his arm." Suki answered, giggling.

Ursa chuckled. "Good girl." She pulled suki into a side hug.

"I can't believe you put them in the room together." Suki hugged her.

"That wasn't really my choice. I didn't think he was going to invite her as a guest. I'm not as good at guessing his next moves anymore. Iroh was supposed to be in that room. I had to do some rearranging."

"It worked out in your favor." Suki started to walk to the door. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"No, I think they have it from here." Ursa sat down on a chair in the room and opened a scroll to read.

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