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Your bare skin etched in Zuko's thoughts. He did look away but dared to glance. You were turned towards him unlike every other time before. "Zuko, which one should I wear?" You asked, holding up the outfits. One was the commoner outfit, and the other was a firenation elite design. He looked up, seeing your top still gone. Your body was only shielded by the clothes you were holding out.

"That one." He pointed to the firenation design he pulled his bottom lip in thinking of anything but you wearing the clothes you held. He stood up and walked to his bag. Grabbing his armor that was packed away. "Can you fasten this?" He had his armor pulled over his shoulders. You held your shirt in your arm. It hadn't made its way covering you yet.

You stepped closer to Zuko. He turned his strong bicep to you so you could fasten the shoulder guard. You press your hand on his bare chest, guiding him to the other side to fasten the other arm. Your fingers trailed his chiseled chest. Your eyes lifted to his. His fingertips slipped down to your waist. His hands were warm against your skin. The wall pressed against your back that you hadn't realized he had guided you to. His innocent nature that was wholesome and pure was tossed away. The man with power and strength stood in front of you. You were weak, defenseless against all the power he held.

He leaned closer, glancing from your lips to your eyes, fire burned within them. The torches lighting the room burned brighter, hotter than they did just a few moments before. His hips were pressed against yours.  Your legs ached, begging for this new man in front of you. Your hand fell to his shoulder.

The room became an inferno. The flames between you had become uncontrollable. Your lips met his suddenly. His hands lifted your legs, pulling you from the ground. His lips melted against yours. You knew there was no redemption from this indulgence in pleasure. You held yourself against him. Your chest enmeshed with his. No fabric to stop the senses. His scar was rough against your skin. It was a reminder of who you were with, the man with the most power in the nation.

He pulled his lips from yours and kissed down your jaw. You both played with fire as his name glided softly from your lips. His lips returned to yours, then pulled away. His tongue slowly pulled at your neck to your ear. "Say it again." He whispered, then bit down softly on your neck. You gasped is complete shocking bliss. "Zuko." You said a little louder than before. His hand traveled up your leg, holding your hip. Your body was pressed so close to his you could feel him craving you. You kissed his neck, wanting nothing more than to finish by the man that was built like a God.

A knock sounded at the door again. "Lord Zuko, we have docked." He pushed his lips to yours one last time. "Are you ready to see the dragons?" He spoke hesitantly. The entire reason and passion for the trip suddenly took a back seat in your mind. "Yeah." You said softly. Your mind weighted on questions, for starters, what that was and what it meant for you?

You both broke apart, and your body felt cold without him. You got dressed, hoping it would bring warmth back.

You both were dressed. He held out his hand. "You can leave your stuff here. The ship is staying here for our return." You grabbed his hand and walked down the hall, and up the stairs, the deck was bright. You looked around once your eyes adjusted and saw the air temple.

You walked down the ramp, meeting the sand. Zuko turned back to the general. "Stay here until we get back. We will be back tonight."

"Yes, Lord Zuko." The general bowed.

You both began your walk through the jungle. You walked through as zuko sliced at vines, creating a path. You followed close behind. The sun was in the middle of the sky. "When we get there, you have to watch for traps, so don't go off without me."

"I didn't plan on it..." You paused. "Zuko, what Hua told me was true... wasn't it?"

He slashed a few more vines. Despite the scene that they just participated in, he still wasn't prepared for the rejection that he always seemed to face. "Why do you ask?"

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