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You put on your pajamas, and Zuko walked into the room. Kiyi ran into the room and sat on Zuko's bed. "Can you tell me a bedtime story, Yushi?" She asked happily.

You sat down on your bed. "Yes, of course."

Zuko sat on the bed that kiyi was laying in. You began the story, and not long after, she was already asleep. The excitement of the day had lulled her to sleep quickly. Zuko picked up his sister and brought her to her room, laying her down in her bed.

You stood up, making sure your bag was packed. Zuko followed the plan. He knocked on his Uncles door.

"Nephew. It is late, what can do for you?"

"Uncle, I need a favor, but it has to stay between us." Zuko stepped into the room as Iroh opened the door for him. "I am taking Ayushi to see the sun warriors. Can you please cover for me here."

"Our lives are not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. You both go, share that moment together, Lord Zuko. I can handle things here for a while. I'll tell your mother I know nothing about you sneaking out with the girl. I will take care of the nation for you, nephew. Your mother just went to her room. Watch for the warriors. They are posted all the way out to the coast line."

"Thank you, Uncle." He pulled him into a hug. They both knew how much they meant to one another without explanation. Iroh was like a father to him, someone he could always count on.

"I will be back in a few days' time. A week at most." Zuko said before disappearing.

You grabbed your things as zuko entered the room. "Is this really happening?" You asked quietly. He nodded. "How are we getting there?"

"I have a ship meeting us eight docks away. They will be there around the time we get there." He spoke softly.

Zuko pulled his top knot off and ruffled his hair. He grabbed a commoner outfit. You had already changed into your outfit while he talked with his uncle.

"I have to change, but going out there is dangerous with the warriors' lerking." His tinted cheeks were covered by his hair. He pulled off his silk top and threw on his tunic. You looked away, blushing heavily as he finished dressing.

He grabbed his bag and looked over at you. "Come on. Let's go." He whispered. You jumped up following him. You both slipped out the window. You both snuck around the guards hiding in the shadows. You walked carefully around, never being spotted.

You both made it to the docks, but you are still not quite home free. You snuck ahead, looking around to make sure no one was watching that area. You were waving over when you had your name called. Hua was standing at the road. She walked towards you.

"What are you doing out here? And why do you look so giddy?" Hua smirked, raising her eyebrow. A smile on your lips hiding your guilt.

"I'm just out getting some air. I just have some things on my mind." You trailed trying to fight the guilt from appearing on your face.

"Yeah... sure. A lot on your mind. You put some thought into Lord Zuko, or is he still untouchable 'being a royal.' "

"We kissed. That's why I'm out here thinking it over. I really just wanted some space it's a lot to think about. I just want to be by myself for a little bit."

"I told you. I'll see you around Princess. Do your thinking, and then we are sitting down and talking about this. I need all the details." Hua walked away, and you just slowly walked up the trail, keeping a watch and then waving for Zuko to follow you once it was clear.

"We never kissed?" He almost sounded offended.

"I'm sorry, I'm not great under pressure. We almost got caught." You both hid in the shadows.

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