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Fire. Screams. Blood spattering across stones.  spear being struck into rock. A flash of amber eyes, widened in fear.
These were the last things Indarias saw, right before the stones crashed down.

~Context~ (??? POV)
Fire raged across the shaking land, the impact of Morax's hurled stone spears splitting cracks across the earth. Guizhong was no where to be found, probably guarding the citizens of Guili with Morax. Indarias and Xiao fought side by side, moving as a unit. She would duck under Xiao's arm as he threw his spear, and, crouching low, would slash out with her daggers at the enemies behind him.

          Indarias pauses, glancing wildly around for Bonanus (hydro yaksha), her closest friend. Bonanus is fighting together with Ganyu, taking down a pack of towering riftwolves. Bosacius is no where to be seen, supposedly having been sent to fight at the Chasm. Menogias fights alone, as does Cloud Retainer. The moon, a fitting blood red, peeks through a cloudy haze, casting the meadow in an unearthly shade. Indarias breaks away from Xiao, lunging to save a soldier just as his throat is slit. She lashes out with her bare hands, burning the face of the assailant.  Xiao pulls her back as the body explodes, teleporting them behind the front lines. He held her face in his hands, making sure she was okay. He wipes the blood off her face as tear slides down her cheek. But,  with a nod of affirmation, they flash back to the front lines.

          Indarias ducks under a fanged beast, dragging her knife along its belly. She turns around, watching as it crumples the to the ground just  after Xiao squeezes through. He throws his spear, impaling a ring master who was behind Indarias. They exchange a glance of thank you, and dart back into battle side by side. Bonanus has joined Menogias, and Ganyu crawls out of a monsters mouth. Cloud Retainer has dissapeared, having fled to assist Morax with something. Indarias spots Bonanus, and begins carving her way through the fray, blood crusting her hair.

      Indarias is about to reach her sister when Bonanus's eyes flash black. She turns around, and throws herself, her polearm fully extended, at Menogias. His eyes do the same, and he blocks the spear with a shield, redirecting it. Bonanus flicks it to the side, cutting deep into his rib cage. Menogias takes a choking breath and grabs the spear, thrusting it through Bonanus's heart. Two screams echo throughout the battlefield. Indarias throws herself onto her sister, confused, her brain not thinking straight, trying to comprehend the unimaginable

    Xiao falls at her side, casting a temporary barrier around them. He holds her in his arms, both of them shaking. Three electro arrows ping against the barrier, and Indarias throws her hands up, reinforcing it. A fourth electro arrow strikes where her hand is, glowing with flame. Indarias is thrown into a cave wall, forcing Xiao to abandon his fallen comrades to help her. Thats when another one of Morax's mighty stone spears strikes the earth. Xiao lunges just as boulders fall, crushing Indarias. A scream, alone now, echos through the battlefield.

First chapter done!! Well- i hope you guys enjoy it so far. this an edit bc i said i would put the songs i listened too writing this on here.
They are
-The Great War by Taylor Swift
-Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey
does summertime sadness fit the theme?? no, but listening to it while writing just seems to make sense you have to try it and see!

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