~Chapter 11- Gentle~

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Xiao freezes in my embrace, and I can feel the muscles in his back stiffen under my hands.
I suppress a grin of victory as I feel him take a deep breath, and his arms wind around my waist. He adds an extra touch, nuzzling his face into my hair.
I feel myself blush, hard, when he does this.
"I missed you, Indarias." He murmurs into my hair.
I hug him tighter, and one of his hands strokes is so my hair.
"I'm sorry Xiao, for all the pain I caused by dissapearing." I try to step back to talk, and he lets me, but grips both of my hands tightly, chaining us together.
"You're here now, and you're alive," He says, his amber eyes freezing me in their gaze.
"That's all that matters." He stresses, and I squeeze his hands. I see my vision blurring and blink rapidly. I've never known Xiao to be this sweet. Ever. One tear escapes, and it turns to steam as it makes its way down my cheek.

Xiao lets go of my hand, reaches up, brushing at the trail the tear made with his knuckles. I suppress a gasp.
"Xiao." I whisper, my heart pounding in my chest.
Understanding flickers in his eyes, and he takes a step back.
"Do you have to go?" I ask him, giving him an easy out.
He takes it, and nods.
"Someone called my name." He lies with ease, even knowing that I know he is.
I don't know how long we will keep doing this, but I nod and shoot him a small smile as he glitters away.

I'm soo sorry I've been gone! Life got really insane for a while there. I wanna thank each and every one of you who are reading and have followed this from the beginning❤️ I'm sorry this is short, but I'm gonna start prewriting chapters in an attempt to get you guys more consistent chapters. ALSO BTW- if you can't tell... i don't proofread LOL.

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