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Lumine stared in shock at the scene in front of her. Sprawled on the floor was a girl, surrounded by red flickering light. that looked to be about 18. She had hair that looked to be made of flames and a red diamond in the center of her forehead.
"She's a Yaksha." Lumine gasped.
"How do you know?" Paimon whispered aggressively, moving to hover over the girl.
"Look at her forehead." Lumine pointed, before shuffling over to the girl, inspecting her closer. "We have to get her to Zhongli, he'll know what to do."
Lumine reached to support her head and yanked her hands back at the heat.
"She's like surrounded by fire or something. Go grab some mist flowers Paimon."
Paimon sped off immediately, returning a few minutes later weighed down by a bunch of the flowers.
After thanking Paimon, Lumine stripped the flowers of their petals and wrapped them around their hands.
"I'll support her head, if you can get her legs." Lumine explained.
"Can't we just call Xia-"
Lumine leapt forward and clamped her hands over Paimon's mouth, shaking her head rapidly.
Paimon's eyes widened and she nodded in understanding, whispering "sorry".
"It's fine, but remember his past next time we are with him, aka dont mention this." Lumine said softly, before gently together lifting the girl. She had set the map, which they had dunked in the mist petals, on the girl so she could tap the waypoint.

They flashed into Liyue harbor, right behind Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.
"Go get Zhongli." Lumine hisses, setting the girl down on the pavement. Paimon speeds off, and Lumine looks down, relieved to see the fire?? light?? well, whatever it has disappeared. She strips the mist flower petals off her hands, casting them over the railing as Paimon comes back, with Hu Tao skipping behind her.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?!" Hu Tao exclaims, kneeling down to take the girl's pulse.
She sighs, "Well, sadly, she's alive. I'll go get Zhongli."
Hu Tao skips back the way she came, and dissapears into the darkness of the parlor. While they wait for Hu Tao, they study the girl, searching for any of Xiao's descriptions in her face. The only thing besides the diamond on her forehead was the daggers strapped onto her hips. The sheaths had the same design as Xiao's tattoos. The truth is Xiao never, ever, ever, ever, talked about his past, so there wasn't much, if anything to go off of. Lumine say movement in the gloom of the parlor and looked up, seeing Zhongli stroll out. He stopped in his tracks, staring down at the girl.
"Zhongli? Who is she?" Paimon asks loudly.
He shakes his head, speaking quietly to himself as I shoot Paimon a look.
He lifts his head, his eyes glazed over, like he's not actually looking at us.
"Her name is Indarias. She's one of my five yakshas. Supposedly she went insane and died." His voice is very monotone withdrawn of any emotion.
"Will you take her to Wangshu Inn? I'll tell Verr what to do. I need to be alone for a while." He says, looking between us. I nod, and exchange a nervous glance with Paimon as he turns around. "Lets go, then." I say, as we resume our positions and teleport to Wangshu Inn.

Verr is there on the balcony as we glitter into view, and she ushers us into the Inn, and directs us to a room. She locks the door behind us, telling us she will be back very soon. We settle the girl, no- Indarias, on the bed, and open the window, drawing the curtains to block the view. I wander into the bathroom as Paimon leaves out the window, off to look for food. As i finish tidying the bathroom, I hear the door open and Verr's footsteps. I rush out of the bathroom, and help her lay out her med kit and herbs.
"I had Baizhu send some herbs, these should wake her up. However, we will need to be out of the room. Zhongli is not exactly sure how she will react."
Lumine nods and closes the window, watching Verr crush the herbs and wrap them in a cloth, wetting it.
"Can you hold open the door?" She asks.
Lumine nods and jogs to hold the door. As soon as she grasps the doorknob, Verr sets the cloth and herbs on the Yaksha's chest, before bolting out of the room, with Lumine in tow. She locks the door behind them, and a few seconds later Lumine feels heat scorch the door at her back.

WHEW! Part 3 is up, sorry this took a bit longer than expected. My first chapter that is 800+ words!! Hope you guys enjoy! We finally get to meet our protagonist.
How do you guys think Xiao will react when they meet?

I found some super cool fan art of Indarias!

This one is by Chrodeus, on HoyoLab, who is an absolutely incredible artist!!

I couldn't find a artist for this one, so please let me know if you know who drew this

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I couldn't find a artist for this one, so please let me know if you know who drew this

I couldn't find a artist for this one, so please let me know if you know who drew this

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And this one is from Genshin itself!

And this one is from Genshin itself!

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The Flame That Burns Eternal (xiao x female yaksha reader)Where stories live. Discover now