~Chapter 9- Aftermath~

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I fall asleep, lost in a drugged haze, and wake up with almost no memory. The last thing I remember is healing Xiao, and then it's blank.
I glance around, rubbing my eyes, feeling a killer headache lurking.
"Xiao?" I call, pushing myself up off the floor and wandering into the large cave.
"Indarias." He's leaning against a stalagmite by the exit, arms crossed.
"Are you okay?"  I rush up to him, praying my healing worked. If not, I just made a fool of myself for nothing.
"Fine. Why?"
"Because the karmic..." I explain to him what I saw last night.
When I'm done, he nods curtly.
"So, how am I healed then?" He says, waving his arms.
I swat them down, forcing myself to keep my temperature down. I'm sure I'm radiating heat by now.
"What's up with you? Are you mad at me or something?"
"Well I wake up and find you almost blackout drunk, so I am a bit concerned." He sassed.
Oh. That's what this is about. By Morax, I hope I didn't do something utterly embarassing.
I sigh,
"Okay, let me explain." And I do. I remind him of the evil god, as much as I wish I didn't have too.

When I'm done, he nods in understanding
"I have one too."
Newly emboldened, I press a finger to his lips.
"You don't have to tell me Xiao. I don't want you to have to relive it."
He grasps my wrist gently and pulls it down. I notice he doesn't let go.
"Okay." He says softly.
He reaches to his waist with his other hand and unclips one of my daggers, handing it back to me.
He still doesn't let go of my wrist.
"I took these when you were... affected." He says, handing me back the other one as well.
"I didn't want you hurting yourself on accident."

"Thank you." We hold eye contact for a second too long and I speak up again.
"So, where were you headed?"
He drops my hand.
"I was waiting for you to wake up and then I was going to go train."
"Cool." I'm not sure what to say to that.
"I'm glad your okay. And thank you for.. uhm- healing me." He says, hinting he's leaving.
"Anytime. Thanks for saving me." I laugh.
"How are your bandages?" He says abruptly.
"Fine, I think. Maybe a little singed here and there." I joke, twisting around in a vain attempt to see my back.
"Here, let me.' He glides over and brushes my hair out of the way. "Looks good, I think."
Not this again.
Yet I don't find myself moving away as he runs his hands lightly over my back, supposedly "making sure the bandages are secure" and leaving a trail of sparks in his wake.
"Yep, all good." His voice is low and right next to my ear.
"Great." I step away, willing my body temperature back down. Maybe I'll take a cold plunge later.
"You were gonna go train right?" I need him out of here.
"Yes but-"
"Okay, have fun Xiao. Let me know if you need a sparring partner!" I wave and spin on my heel, retreating further back into my domain.

When Xiao leaves, I teleport to Liyue, right outside of Wangsheng funeral parlor.
I hurry inside, saying hello to Hu Tao before hesding up the stairs to Morax's office.
I knock on the door, hearing a "come in."
I swoop into a bow, as I come in, and wait for permission to sit.
"What brings you here?" Zhongli says, motioning for me to take a seat.
I pull out my chair as he says,
"Funny, Xiao was just here as well." He says absentmindedly.
"I thought he was going to train." I say, sitting down.
Zhongli pauses.
"Oh, so you two were together?" He asks, a mischievous look in his eye.
I glare at him and brush off his question.
"I was wondering if you could arrange me a meeting with Ganyu. I can't exactly just wander around Liyue Harbor."
He nods.
"Of course. However, our goal is to eventually be able to integrate you into Liyue somehow, similarly to how Xiao is."
Nodding, I stand up and wait to be dismissed.
"Indarias you are free to leave when you wish, I'm no longer your commander."
I blush and nod, uttering a farewell before ducking out the door and teleporting back to Wangshu Inn.
When I'm there, I grab some food from Verr Goldlet and sit on the edge of the ramp, dangling my feet over the edge and watching the water below. As I finish my curry, I set the bowl next to me and dust myself off.  Suddenly, I hear my name faintly in the wind.
It could only be a few people, the few people who knew I was still alive.
I close my eyes, whisking myself away, following the sound.

I land softly on grass, and blink to bring the world back into focus. I can see Xiao and someone talking through some trees. He knows I'm here, it's always been as if we can sense each others presence. But he doesn't react. I head toward them, recognizing the other person, The Traveller. The one i ran away from after they helped me. I feel a twinge of.... something.... as she furrows her brows and looks concerned, putting her hand on Xiao's arm.
I step out of the woods,
"I heard my name." I say, coming to stand beside Xiao as Lumine removes her hand.
"Yes, we were talking about you." Xiao side eyes me.
I sigh and face the Traveller, taking a deep breath.
"I want to apologize, for running away when you had freed me. I'll never be able to repay that debt. You gave me something I can never repay." I don't elaborate on what that something is.
Lumine smiles.
"It's okay, I'm sure I would react the same." She laughs. "I came to ask Xiao if he had seen you actually. I wanted to make sure you were okay."
I smile in return.
"Thank you." I sweep into a bow and Lumine blushes.
"I gotta go, but bye you two!" Lumine grabs a map out of her backpack, clamping a hand over Paimon's mouth as she opens it to say something as they fade away.
When the blue light finally dissipates, Xiao turns to me.
"Hi." I murmur.
"Why are you really here?" He asks, stepping away and drawing his polearm to sharpen.
"I just heard my name, I promise." I reply, sitting down to sharpen my own blades.
I hesitate as I draw my daggers.
"I-" Ugh, two apologies in one day. I'm not terribly good at them. I try to start again as he looks up expectantly.
"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. You didn't deserve that, especially after what you did for me and all I've already done to you."
Xiao tilts his head, and I drop my gaze to the ground.
The silence drags on, and I think for a paralyzing moment that he won't forgive me.
"It's okay." He says softly. "I wasn't mad at you, and I wanna apologize if I made you uncomfortable."
"Thank you for the grace." I say. It's somewhat of an inside joke from the archon war, as Menogias used to say it instead of a regular thank you.
Xiao cracks a small smile.
"And no, Xiao, you didn't make-" I'm interrupted by him standing up abrubtly, grabbing his spear.
"Up to spar, Indarias?"

The Flame That Burns Eternal (xiao x female yaksha reader)Where stories live. Discover now