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   ~traveler's POV~
    "Cmon Lumine (i chose lumine in game so i'm gonna use her in this story) we are almost to the teleport waypoint!!"  Paimon squeals, flying up the cliff face.

"Easy for you to say Paimon, since you can fly."  

Lumine hauls herself up onto the first foothold.
"You should try walking sometimes, might do you some good with all the food you eat."


Paimon flies down, circling around her as Lumine swats at her.

"Let me climb Paimon, we won't reach the waypoint if I fall off and die, will we?"

Paimon falls silent for about 2 seconds, a record time.
"Hey Lumine, theres some samachurls over there by that cave, do you need some scrolls? OOOOH AND THERES A COOKING POT?!"

Lumine groans, "I'm almost to the top Paimon, give me like 10 minutes."

~10 minutes later~
Lumine taps the waypoint, and it springs to life beneath her hand. She hears a faint ding from her pack, and nods in satisfaction.

"Alright Paimon, let's go." She sighs, pulling out her glider and stepping to the cliff edge.

"WOOHOOOO." Paimon cheers as Lumine jumps off the edge, maneuvering her glider till she's above the Samachurl camp.
She lets go of the glider and plummets into the camp, breaking the shield of a samachurl. Within a couple minutes the camp is empty, and Lumine wanders around, shoving scrolls into her pack, while Paimon follows.

"Alright Paimon, what do you want."

Lumine says, rolling her eyes as she plops down by the campfire and lights it.

"Sweet Madame pleaseeee."

Paimon squeals as she watches Lumine dig around for the ingredients.

"Its gonna take a while though."

Lumine dumps the ingredients into
the pot and stands up, dusting herself off.

"Lets go explore that cave in the meantime, yeah?"
Lumine motioned to Paimon, who was currently staring into the cooking pot, to follow her.
She hoped there wasn't a ton of monsters in the cave, she was pretty tired from the samachurl camp earlier. Paimon lagged behind her, flying slowly.

"What's wrong??" Lumine asked over her shoulder as she reached the entrance to the cave, eyeing the collapsed wall in the back.

"Just... you feel a weird aura around this place?"

Now that Paimon mentioned it, she did. However, it might just be the aura from the Statue Of The Seven near by.

"I'm sure it's nothing Paimon," She reassured her, stepping into the cave. "Help me move these rocks."
Paimon rolled her eyes and flew in the cave, and began rolling rocks down the rock slide, and out of the cave.
After about 20 minutes of this, Lumine caught a flash of red beneath the rubble and drew her sword. She chose not to say anything, not wanting to scare Paimon. She wedged her sword under a rock and used it like a crowbar, rolling another rock off the pile.

"HEY watch it Lumine!"

Paimon screeched, flying around the rock rolling out of the cave.

"I'm sorry, but to be fair it wasn't even close to you."

"It's- wait hey can you come here?" Paimons voice went quiet as she flew around the opening they made in the back of the rock pile.
Lumine's eyes widened, she had never heard Paimon talk like that.
"What is it??" She asked running around the back of the rock pile, and stopping dead in her tracks

I want to thank everyone who is reading!! Also im experimenting with the text formatting a bit dialogue wise, so let me know if you like it. I'll start working on the second chapter now, it'll be up soon.

ALSOOOO btw i got Ganyu!!!

ALSOOOO btw i got Ganyu!!!

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