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My thoughts ran in a single loop, despite the fact he was threatening to slit my throat. He's alive, he's alive, he's alive. My mind chanted. So very alive.
I almost reached up to touch his face, however
1. That might be a little weird, considering my predicament
2. He would definitely kill me first

His eyes widened, and he let out a harsh, choking sort of sound.
"Shut up." He rasped, sliding the spear down to right above my heart. I could practically feel my hear pounding against it.
It hurt, physically hurt, no, not the spear, to see him in so much pain. I wonder briefly if I should let him kill me here, go on believing I was a demon impersonating Indarias. I knew him though, he would find out. And I couldn't cause him anymore agony, letting him live with that.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm my heavy, erratic breathing. Not too deep though, because as soon as I inhale, i feel a prick.

"Xiao, let me go, and I'll prove it to you."

He hesitates, which is rare, before choking out,

"You have 10 seconds."

I wink at him, and he shivers.

"On the battlefield, right before Bo-" My voice cracks. "Bonanus and Menogias died. I tried to save a solider, and instead I distracted him, and he died. I burned the face off the attacker, and the body exploded. You teleported me behind the lines, and made sure I was okay. You held my face in your hands Xiao, remember?"

His face hardens, and I hate this, I hate this oh so very much. But I need to make him remember.
He lets go off my wrists and pushes himself away, staggering back, his spear clutched in his hand.
I push myself off the grass, shaking the grass out of my hair. His eyes track every movement I make, and I can see he's shaking.

His hair falls in his face, and he's beautiful, I'll admit. Beautiful and oh so very broken. Then again, aren't we all?

I keep my eyes on him, fully aware he could throw that spear and it would all be over, as I slide my hands down to my hips and unclasp my twin dagger sheaths, ones that match his tattoos. I can see him watching me, and he knows the significance. I slide the sheaths, my daggers included, across to him. He slides his polearm into the straps on his back and crouches down, grabbing the daggers.
As he stands up, he tucks them into his pants and raises his head, and we make eye contact. He's looking at me like he wishes he could never stop, and also wishes he had never seen me.

"Xiao, I think that-"

And just like that, he's gone.

sorry this is kinda shorter, but theres a lot packed in here sooo
this chapter was angsty and cringy but i won't apologize bc i really enjoyed writing this LOL

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