~CHAPTER SIX- Well...~

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I opened my eyes slowly, squinting at the rising sun. I groan, and push myself up off the branch I had leaned against. I had fallen asleep again. I suppose maybe my body was catching up after 2000 years of unconsciousness? I remember Bonanus saying something like being unconscious isn't the same as sleeping or something. Xiao must have disappeared after I had fallen asleep. I swing my legs over the side, and brush my hair out of my eyes, sleepily taking in the view of Wangshu Inn. I can hear pots and pans clanging in the kitchen, and the hustle and bustle of the early risers, off for another day of adventuring. I swing my legs and listen to the bird song, trying not to think of what ever had transpired between me and Xiao last night.

I'm gazing off into space when I hear boots clanking beneath me and Verr's  voice.
"Excuse me, General Musatas, would you be able to clear out a few hillichurl camps? I heard some of them are affected by karmic energy as well. The Conqueror Of Demons is nowhere to be found."
I glance down, hearing my official name piquing my interest.
"Sure." I say, and Verr smiles. I teleport away, glad to have something to occupy my day.
The first two camps go by quickly, and I make it out relatively unscathed. I plop on the ground, avoiding a pool of blood, and close my eyes. Digging my fingers into the grass, I cast out my adeptal energy. I still remember Cloud Chaser teaching me to do this, it took me ages. I sit there for a couple minutes, trying to locate some karmic energy, which would mean the hillichurl camp i was warned about. Finally, I feel shoots of cold pain shoot down the scars on my back.

(anyone wants the explanation of these scars if u havent seen the theory about how xiao has them as well, let me know)

That would be the karmic energy. I push myself up off the ground, ignoring the steadily growing pain in my back. I teleport, and as I land, I see a couple of mitachurls, with clouds of dark karmic clouds swirling around them. The tendrils grasp towards me, and I grit my teeth as the cold pain in my back turns hot. I summon twin balls of fire, and they sear through the two axe mitachurls before they notice me.
This draws the attention of two shielded mitachurls and a couple of archer hillichurls. I lower myself into a crouch, grimacing as I roll my shoulders to grab my daggers. I hold them out in front of me, the blades glowing white hot.

(her stance is similar to this, not the exact same though, i struggled to find a good reference photo, also her daggers are a lot longer

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(her stance is similar to this, not the exact same though, i struggled to find a good reference photo, also her daggers are a lot longer. They are basically swords)

I duck and roll to the side as the first mitachurl comes charging at me, dragging my dagger along its shield to light it on fire. I roll back onto my feet, and I can feel my back getting worse. I don't know what this is, but I know it's caused by the karmic energy. Which means I need to end this, and quick. I deflect an arrow from one of the hillichurls into the shield, shattering it. Then I jump forward and plunge my dagger deep into the mitachurl's heart. I plant my feet on either side of the dead monster, and yank my dagger out, dripping blood. Just as I go to spin around, I'm slammed in the back by what feels like a boulder. I go falling forward with a bloodcurdling scream, catching myself with an arm thrown out to the side. I catch a glimpse of the mitachurl preparing to charge again. I feel the karmic mist creeping in through the scars on my back and I roll in agony. I can feel myself sticky with blood, whether it's mine or something else's I don't know.

It feels like boiling acid being poured on my back, and I try to scream again but my throat is raw. The mitachurl lowers it's shield, but then through a blurry haze, I see a spray of blood, and a flash of teal.
I force my eyes back open, and meet a panicked shade of amber.

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