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My eyes flew open, screams roaring in my ears. Explosions echoed all around me. I whipped my daggers out of the sheaths, infusing them with pyro and throwing them in any direction. My hair burst into flames, igniting in a wave of heat. I thrash around before falling back, my vision clearing to reveal a bedroom.
I'm not in battle, but I wouldn't say I'm safe either. I wrack my memories, digging up memories of Bonanus and Menogias. Xiao falling by my side. The flash of his eyes as the rocks obscured my vision.
I force these thoughts out of my head and focus on what I do know, as I sit up.
1. My name is Indarias, the Pyro Yaksha
2. I was chosen by Rex Lapis, along with 4 others, to fight the demons plaguing this world
3. "Restore order through slaughter" our vow to Rex Lapis
4. I wield daggers, which can connect into a bow (think Childe, but she mainly wields her dual dagger/sword form)
5. My sister and Menogias are dead.

These things calm me down a little, and I force myself out of the covers, burning the ones that tangle around my legs. I force my unsteady legs over to the door, grabbing my daggers from where i had embedded them in the wood. After this, i pull a chair over and wedge it under the doorknob. Shoving my daggers back in their sheaths, i stalk over to the window, throwing back the curtains and eyeing the scenery.

No battle rages outside, it seems rather peaceful. I notice a large, very large, town in the distance, which overtakes the Harbor (i read that after the war Zhongli takes the people of Mt. Tianheng and establishes the Liyue Harbor, hence her not knowing what it is)

This town must be new. I open the window, wedging a dagger under the sill and prying it open. I contemplate how far the fall distance is. Would it be enough? No, I don't think so. It would take a tremendous height to kill a Yaksha. Worst from this height is I would break my legs, and then I would look like a fool. But, what point is there to go on if all my friends are gone? I don't believe that they survived, however we must have won, since Liyue looks rather peaceful. I suppose I should find someone and ask, I think as I sit on the edge of the sill, admiring the view. Also, searching for someone to interrogate. All of the sudden, I hear whispers outside my door. I am gone in an instant, teleporting instantly to who knows where.

I pick myself up off the ground, dusting off my clothes. I must have slept for more than 2 hours, which is the required amount for a yaksha, or else I wouldn't be so unsteady. I check myself for any sustained injuries, only finding some dried blood here or there. Must be a result of the battle. I assess my surroundings in confusion. To my knowledge, the stone spikes i see before me were not here before.
As I study the spikes, i feel my blood run cold. I recognize the carvings on the ends of the stones. They match the ones on my dagger sheaths, and the ones tattooed on Xiao's arm. These are Morax's spears, the same ones that very nearly killed me.

peep zhongli (not my photo) but this is her view

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peep zhongli (not my photo) but this is her view

I fall to my knees, overcome by emotion. I don't quite know what it is. Shock maybe? The fact I'm standing very close to where my sister and closest of friends died? Where I should've died? Where it probably would've been better if I had?
I back away from the edge, shaking my head, my hands knotting themself in my hair. My breathing is rapid and uneven,  and I spin around, staggering toward a rock a few meters away. I shake my head once more, failing to the spots now blurring my vision. A new flash of teal flashes through my vision, except this time its knocking me down.

  Fire races up my body, but my attacker seems unaffected, pinning my wrists down on the grass and holding a spear to my throat.

"How dare you, you weak, useless, impersonating demon. Indarias would scoff as I slit your throat."

The voice jolts back to reality, however it feels to good to be real. My vision clears, and my fire flickers out.  Wide amber eyes glare down into mine, seething with barely, contained fury.
I take a deep breath, and he pushes the spear down harder on my throat, but I still manage to choke out,


The Flame That Burns Eternal (xiao x female yaksha reader)Where stories live. Discover now