Two plus one

237 4 1

The little brownish things were floating around in the white substance like small ships. The liquid was calm and then suddenly a swirl appeared, shaking up the peacefully swimming boats. 
They were starting to soak up.

Abby stared at her cereal, as she played around with the bits of cornflakes with her spoon.
The movements hypnotized her a bit but she tried to pull herself together and eat it all up. It was too early. She didn't have much of an appetite in the morning, however, she knew she'd need the energy. Especially because she refused to drink coffee. She detested the bitter taste of it and she didn't see much sense in later getting addicted to such a drink.

She struggled to swallow, her stomach was too small in the morning.
After finishing up, she put on her uniform and put her hair in a low pigtail, in case she had to put on a safety helmet. In her few years of service in a small city, she never had to but one could never know. Abby also had quite long, curly hair, so it was best to keep her locks out of her face.

On her way to work, she picked up two sandwiches to have something for lunch. She arrived at 8 o'clock at the hospital. Her team worked at section D, where most of the ambulance cars were parked, waiting to be sent on their way.
There were ranks among the workers, based on what kind of training they have completed. Abby only had the basic training, which meant she was not allowed to do certain things, like giving injections. Her teammates, Haoa and Piper were above her, with Piper being the team leader. Piper was born for the role of a leader. She was confident and organized, exactly what she needed to be. Abby liked her but she was also kind of scared of her. She wanted to please her.

Haoa was a jokester. Sometimes he didn't take his job as seriously as Piper wanted him to. For him, it was more about having fun and cheering up the patients. Piper knew that supporting the patients mentally was important but sometimes it was all a waste of time for her. Piper and Haoa balanced each other out, or it was rather Abby. Her role was mostly doing what Piper told her to, while also bringing a certain calmness to her two superior's conversations. Making peace.

On average, the team brought in ten to twelve patients during a shift. What kind of patients, that depended on what car they've taken, as even ambulances had ranks and were equipped differently. Today, they had some of the serious stuff with them, so they were able to be sent out to traffic accidents, people with heart attacks or concussions.
It was hard work. Using the vacuums mattress, reanimating for an hour, carrying patients down the stairs...
Most of the time, the hard work payed off. Abby loved helping, bringing people to safety, stabilizing them, supporting them. Sometimes though, there was nothing she could do. She learned to handle sad situations.

"When did you get your last tetanus shot?" Piper asked. She was questioning and old lady about her medical records. They were in a small apartment, Mrs Pearson had called the ambulance because she had cut her finger while chopping onions. The cut wasn't that serious, it was just that older people tended to worry too much. The three were all used to this and still provided the distressed woman with their best care. Abby fixed a small piece of bandage on her finger, while Haoa looked for the folder where Mrs Pearson kept her medical records, just to be sure.
"It must have been more than nine or ten years ago.", she contemplated.
"Eleven, to be specific.", added Haoa, emerging from the living room with documents in his hands. He was reading through her list of shots.

"Alright, renewing the tetanus shots every ten years is recommended and eventhough this wound does not need further medical attention, we'd like to take you in to get your shot. You will probably be released today. Abby will keep you company during the ride."
Mrs Pearson agreed to the hospital visit.
Abby helped her collect some things and then they took the elevator.

Under Blue Light: an Alex Rider fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now