Under Blue Light

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Abby didn't know if they'd have dinner together. They hadn't talked about it and she had gotten too shy to ask him. She just went down into the dining room and choose the table she had choosen at lunch too.

She ate alone. Alex must've gone elsewhere.
When she was done, she stayed a little to watch others have fun. She wished she could do that too. But her mood wasn't exactly cheerful and there was no one she could have fun with.

After a while, Abby went back to her room.
It was dark, the lights had been turned off, only the moon's blue light shone through the window in the living room. Abby sat herself down on the couch and she stared at Alex' backpack. The urge to go through it was strong but she knew it would've been wrong.
What would she find in there? Definitely a gun. A passport, maybe more than one. Money. A phone charger. She started listing things mentally she thought Alex would carry in that backpack. He wasn't an average guy and he'd have non-average things with him. Their worlds were so different.

Suddenly, she heard the beeping of the card-activated handle and a moment later, Alex stepped into the room.

He only saw her, when he had already entered the living room.
Abby felt as if she had invaded his privacy. She was used to him being in living rooms, while she was always in bedrooms. She stood up promptly and made her way to the bedroom.

"Did you have a nice dinner?", Alex asked out of nowhere. The girl stopped and she felt as if a big question mark had appeared above her head. Why was he asking her this?

"Um, yes, it was okay. What about you?"

The question sounded dumb. The whole conversation seemed surreal. Chit-chat, making small talk wasn't very Alex-like.

Alex nodded. "It was fine." He moved forward towards Abby.

"I'm not... I don't know how things will be from now on.", Abby admitted. It was as if her whole worldview had shifted. Suddenly, being a paramedic seemed so unimportant, compared to the things she experienced with Alex.

"I know you think your life will never be the same. But it will. It will go on. The only thing that's changed is you."

"Is this your weird way of cheering me up?"

"I'm just trying to prepare you."

"Prepare me for what?"

"The uneventfulness. You'll never see me or any of that horror ever again. You're going to feel small and insignificant. It's normal."

"I'm never going to see you again.", she repeated his words with a frown.

"Aren't you happy?"

She was. On one hand. On the other hand, this boy intrigued her too much. Of course, it wasn't her right to get to know him but she would've liked to know his story. Why he was the way he was and how he ended up workin for MI6 at 14.
And she liked him, not just liked him, she felt attracted to him.

"I am."

Alex furrowed his eyebrows. Abby knew he didn't believe her or at least doubted her but she didn't care. She knew she had no chance of convincing a spy of a lie, why bother?

"You feel like this isn't the end."

Oh, he could read her like a book.

"And when you get home, you're going to look for me and you're going to hope that you'll see me again."

"Well, will I?"


That was cruel. It was true though, there was no point in denying it. She had to accept it.
Abby was just about to turn away, when Alex grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. She was standing right in front of him. The disturbingly small distance between them was familiar.

Under Blue Light: an Alex Rider fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now