Rainforest Run

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Abby was gripping Alex' shoulders as they sweeped through the rainforest. A quad wasn't the best choice for such purpose but it was all that was available to Alex. Alex' clothes were sticking to him, still wet from the swimming stunt inflicted on him.

Abby couldn't see much from behind and she hoped that Alex' reflexes would keep them from crashing into a bush or tree. There wasn't much space for them and Alex had to constantly change the direction a bit to dodge big plants. The ground wasn't exactly practical either. The road was bumpy, Abby felt like she could fly off the vehicle at any given moment. Or like the vehicle itself could turn over.

All kinds of branches slapped them everywhere, mostly Alex.

"Where are we going?", Abby shouted, though she wasn't even sure if Alex had heard her, the engine of the quad was loud.

"Somewhere safe!", he shouted back. Abby wanted to ask him how he was able to orient himself but she figured it'd be better not to bother him now.
Alex could have gone back to somehow stop Coleman from doing whatever he planned on doing but not while Abby was with him. He had to bring her to safety. Of course, by then, Coleman could have gone anywhere, done anything. He could flee the country and plan his revenge for Alex, like a lot of his enemies have done. That was something to worry about later. Abby's mind was wandering elsewhere. She had killed someone. When the unattentive woman had leaned forward to grab the tablet, Abby kicked her in the throat, forcibly dislocating her throat and oesophagus. She had started chocking and fell to the ground, blood spilling out of her mouth. Abby repeated the movement and, with all her power, threw the glass of smoothie Luke Coleman had placed in front of her earlier, into her face. Her throat kind of folded forward, blocking any  air to enter her lungs. Even if she just passed out, there was no way in hell anyone in that house knew how to do an intubation. It would be too late anyway.

Due to all the adrenaline, neither of them knew for how long they have been riding the vehicle. It felt like ten minutes, when in reality it was half an hour. It was midday already, though it wasn't noticable from under the tree's crowns. The air was cool in the rainforest.

Alex took big turns sometimes, which told Abby that he knew exactly where he was going. It wasn't long until Alex stopped the vehicle...in the middle of nowhere. They both got off and Abby looked around. They were still in the rainforest, not a building or anything similar in sight.
Alex kneeled down and stuck a finger into the ground. Not far from them, out of nowhere, a metal door popped up from the ground, it looked like a typical tornado bunker's entrance.

"Go.", was all that Alex said. He placed a big blanket on the quad that was painted over with the colours of the vegetation around them.
There were metal bars fixated horizontally onto one of the walls of the entrance. Abby climbed down and landed in small, dark room. Alex followed her and pulled back the trapdoor. He turned a handle to lock it down and then activated a light switch next to the metal bars.

The lights were damp, orange-ish but they gave Abby a somewhat clear view of her surroundings. In front of her was a gentle slop of three stairs that led to a living room. On her right side, there were two bookshelves, which seperated the antechamber from another room.
The walls were black, just like most of the furniture. The design was modern, high-tech.
Abby looked at Alex for his permission to step into the living room. Alex stretched out one of his hands politely and waited for her to move.

Abby was perplexed by the secret underground hideaway. She had never seen something like this before.
Alex made his way into the kitchen, which was on the other side of the shelves. The kitchen was black too, even the counters were made of a dark wood.
After thoroughly exploring the room, Abby turned to Alex, who was searching through a cupboard.

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