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"Hands behind your head!"

The man held onto Abby's hair tightly, causing Abby a great deal of pain. With his other hand, he was holding a gun, a Glock 44, to the frightened woman's head.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her eyes fixed on Alex.

He raised his hands and took a step back.

"We were told to shoot both of you on sight. But I want to have some fun.", he said and stepped into Abby's knees from behind. She cried out and fell to her knees.

She looked at Alex with pleading eyes. If he had any spy tricks up his sleeve, now would have been a good time to use them.

Abby felt the cold metal behind her head again. She was incredibely close to death and she'd already imagined herself laying in the pool of her own blood. Atleast she wouldn't feel much. A shot through the head is fast, merciful.

Coleman's eyes, once polite and graceful to a certain degree, were now filled with hatred. He had gone off the rail, no question about it. Alex had ruined him, he had nothing to loose anymore.

"See, I know you, Alex. I know the stuff you've been doing. Tell me, how does it feel to bring everyone you care about into danger?"

Abby saw Alex' expression change.

"That's right. The Pleasure family, your own legal guardian... and now, her. Except you can't do anything to stop this now. She's going to die. And I'll let you live. Live with the guilt." It was clear that Coleman had nothing to loose anymore.

Alex looked at Abby. She was terrified. Her chest rose and sank quickly, her eyes were red, her skin was pale.
He looked back up at Coleman.

"You're going to sit in jail for the rest of your life.", was all that Alex said.

He glanced at Abby and suddenly she saw something flicker in his eyes. Something changed. She wasn't sure if for the better. But she knew something was coming. Then he glanced at the floor.
Abby turned her head down to look at the floor too. She focused on a discoloured spot.
Her heart jumped out of her throat, she had to physically restrain herself not to throw up.

"Haven't you heard what I just said?!", he screamed and tightened his grip around the girl's hair. He yanked her back, the gun now pressed to her head, it was somewhat painful. Nevertheless, she kept staring at the floor, holding her head down. She held her fingers into a fist, her skin turned white at her nailbed and knuckles.
She closed her eyes.

A gun was fired and Abby's whole body jerked. Blood splashed everywhere. Something fell to the floor.

There was a long moment of silence and Abby's body was completely still.
Dead silence.

Alex kneeled down next to Abby and tucked her hair back, bloody in some places, out of her face.

"It's over now.", he said.

Abby opened her eyes, she was shaking. Slowly, she turned her head to the side.

Coleman was laying next to her, blood was gushing out of his skull.
She turned back to face Alex. She had no idea what just happened. Alex had no gun. Who shot Coleman?

"Want to stand up?", he asked.

Alex took her hand and helped her up, her limbs were trembling. Coleman's blood began slowly running down her hair, dripping every other second down on the floor.
She didn't take her eyes off Alex.

Under Blue Light: an Alex Rider fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now