The king of the sea

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Alex was led into a big, bright room that looked like it was taken out of a family-friendly Adam Sandler movie. Except for the crying girl on the couch and a guard with a mean look. Alex held his breath in when he saw Abby there. He knew she was going to be there but he had no idea in what condition. He was relieved to see her unharmed and a quiet sigh escaped his lips. He was pushed onto the couch next Abby. He felt her legs touch his. He could feel her leg shake too.

"Are you alright?", he asked her quietly. The girl didn't look at him, she just shook her head.

He felt terrible. He thought he could get away without further harm being done. He couldn't. He shouldn't have had ended his mission. Alex was angry at himself for letting it come to this, he wasn't careful enough. It was a similar feeling to when Sabina got kidnapped. He thought he would never have to feel like that ever again.

He heard footsteps and a familiar man with two smoothies or milkshakes in his hands walked in.

"There you go, darling.", he said and placed one of the glasses on the table in front of them. Alex looked at Abby to see her reaction. She didn't move, she kept looking straight forward with glassy eyes. She looked like she was zoned out.

"Alex!", he smiled at Alex. His all too happy manners made Alex' stomach turn. He had nothing but hatred for the man in front of him.

"How pleasant to see you here. How do you like my home?"

"A bit too kitschy for my taste. What do you want, Coleman?"

Alex wasn't in the mood for chit-chat.

"Straight to the point. Very well.", the man commented.

"I'm going to ask you questions and you will answer them. If you don't or if I don't like the answer, I will hurt the girl. Got that?"

Alex clenched his jaw. Under no circumstances should the girl be hurt. He felt bad for getting her mixed up in this mess. He looked at her once again. She was still staring into nothing, he wasn't sure if she even heard what Coleman had said. Black makeup was running down her cheeks, the corner of her mouth was bleeding a bit. Her hair was messy and frizzy. She was in shock.

"Yeah, I got that."

"Who do you work for?", now his voice was angry.

"I work for no one. MI6 sometimes uses me but I'm not their employee."

"What did you tell them?"

"I recorded your conversation at the gate with your german associate. I sent them that and a sample from your special powder collection. They're probably on their way to shut your company down and arrest you."

Coleman took a sip of his drink and nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. Listen, I would love to stay and chat but I've got business to do."

He stood up and waved a finger at Alex. A guard pulled him up and dragged him behind his boss. The other guard stayed with Abby. He looked back at Abby. Being seperated was a bad sign.

"Hey, what's going to happen to her?!", he asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

"Don't worry, she won't suffer for long."

Alex knew what that meant and he instantly tried to attack the guard holding him down but in that moment, Coleman pulled out a gun.

"Do not test my patience, Alex."

Alex put his hands up and let himself be dragged. He felt helpless. An innocent woman is going to be murdered because of him. He had to come up with something, fast. They ended up in a dining hall, with a long tank filled with water in the middle. It was almost filled to the brim and Alex noticed all kinds of jellyfish swim around in it. There were chairs lined up around the aquarium and in some places, there were silveware, a bowl and glasses.

Under Blue Light: an Alex Rider fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now