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Abby woke up to Alex clomping around with a plastic bag. A baguette and spring onions peeked out at the top, apparently he had gone to a supermarket to buy them breakfast.
Abby was embarassed for waking up a bit late and she tried to make it up by quickly changing her clothes and freshening up in the bathroom. 
Alex was just about to finish making food, when Abby stepped into the small living room.

"We're going to break into Clarissa Romeu's residence. She is a close friend of Coleman's.", he said casually while enjoying a toast.
Abby stopped in her tracks but then she figured she'd better not waste their time asking useless questions. She just went with whatever Alex would come up with.

"Will Coleman be there?"

"I don't know but we'll find out. I was told Clarissa was receiving something big that would be transported into her garage."

"You want to sneak into the truck?"

Alex smiled. She's hit the bull's eye.

To Alex, sneaking into the huge warehouse was child's play. Smithers had supplied him with all the information he needed. It was in a rather unpopulated area in Andorra and the workers in the huge warehouse were too busy to notice the two young adults creeping around behind all kinds of machinery and big cardboard boxes.

"We need a diversion.", Alex whispered to Abby, though he wasn't keen on Abby's thoughts about the idea, he simply commented everything they were doing to make sure she could follow the plan. Alex waited for when the few workers were the most far from them and the truck's front part. This took about 15 minutes. Then, he pushed two massive cannisters over and, as quietly as he could, ran back to where Abby was hiding. They could hear the workers footsteps going around the car to check out the source of the noise.
Alex and Abby took this opportunity to sneak into the back of the truck and hide behind the packages neatly stacked on eachother.

Just after about 40 Minutes, they heard and felt the rumbling of the engine, a worker locked the car's doors in the back. The car started moving.

Abby couldn't grasp what she was doing. Just a week ago, she was at home, living a somewhat normal life, going to work, paying taxes, hanging out with Lou, etcetera. Now, she was sitting in a truck in Andorra with a british spy and she was about to break into the house of a woman, who was most likely hiding a criminally insane psychopath, who tried killing both of them.

"Alex.", Abby said with a hushed tone. He was sitting in front of her. He looked at her questioningly.

"What are we going to do, when we get there."

"Depends on what we find."

Abby had it written on her face that that amount of information didn't satisfy her.

"If he's not there, we look for clues that may tell us where he went. Maybe we'll eavesdrop Romeu. If he is there, we'll notify the police. While we do so, I'd prefer to stay hidden from him or anyone else in there."

Abby nodded, though she had no idea how they'll do any of that.

After a ride of an hour, the vehicle stopped. Abby's ears perked up, when the driver opened the front door. Alex stood up and signaled her to move forward. Were they about to get out now? They heard the driver talk to a woman. Abby's heart was beating fast and she already saw themselves being caught. Alex slowly opened the door, the two people outside were still talking. He opened the door and got out without making a sound. He helped Abby get down. She almost slipped, when the shrill laughter of the woman scared her.
Alex closed the door slowly and begun crawling under the vehicle. Abby followed him. Just as Abby pulled in her legs, the two people started walking to the back of the car.
Alex and Abby had to be really quiet now. The girl used all her concentration on not making a sound, she even stopped breathing.

Under Blue Light: an Alex Rider fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now