Parted ways

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The air was cool, eventhough it was midday. Rainforests kept the air cold and humid. Birds were chirping and the sound of waves could be heard in the distance.

"We haven't seen the fruit sign yet!", Lou shouted.
Abby and Lou were on a trip in the Tropical Botanical Garden of Hilo. They liked to visit the place because of how peaceful and beautiful it was there.
Lou was referring to the "Beware of falling fruit" sign tourists loved to photograph. They thought it was funny.

It had been a few days after Abby had gotten back from Europe. Of course, she hadn't told Lou the truth. She had told her a few made-up details to stop her from worrying about her mental state but for the most part, she had just said she wasn't allowed to talk about it. And that was true.

To celebrate her return to Hilo, they had decided to pay a visit to the Garden. Abby was glad they did because she really did need some fun.

At work, Haua had drilled her with questions but she had told him the same things she had told Lou. Piper on the other hand hadn't asked her about anything.
Their reunion was what Abby had expected it to be.
"I'm glad you're back.", was all she had said. Their dynamic had changed though. Abby was more confident and sometimes their interactions seemed even friendly.
Piper seemed to know that whatever Abby had been doing, it wasn't pleasant and she respected her for still putting in effort in her work.

"Well, we better hurry up, 'cause there's a storm coming.", Abby shouted at Lou. Lou had already disappeared in front of her.

Abby felt the change in herself too. It was as if she now had gotten a look into the ugly truth of the world and had to shield those, who hadn't. Lots of people wouldn't want it to be true but it was as bad as it was in movies, if not worse.

Something had died in her, when she had seen how inhuman some could be but something had also been born in her. Some had been so inhuman and in the middle of that inhuman, violent tornado of criminals was Alex Rider, who, despite everything, had morals. He had never taken advantage of her, he had even protected her.
She wasn't sure if she felt safer or less safe after her time with the british agent. She was more aware of the dangers of the world but she also felt more in control.

"Hey, Lou!", she shouted again.
"Yes?", came Lou's voice from the distance. Abby hurried her steps and found her friend at the fruit sign.

"We should camp sometime."

Lou turned to her like she had just told her she's from a different planet.

"What, like, with a tent and all?"



"Dunno... we could fly to mainland and rent an RV and travel along Route 66 or something."

Lou leaned her head to the side and squinted at Abby, like she didn't believe it was really her.

"Since when are you so adventurous?"

Abby shrugged.

"I just thought, it's time I-, or we, started exploring the world. Thought we could start with the mainland."

Lou thought about it for a moment. She loved Hawaii but she hasn't seen much of the world, aside from that one time that Abby's family had taken her on a trip to New York for Passover.
New York hadn't impressed either of them, there were too many advertisements everywhere.

"We could start with Chicago.", Lou suggested.
They smiled at eachother before Lou started her "too-excited-to-contain-herself" jumps.
Abby was excited too, she couldn't wait to see more of the world.

Under Blue Light: an Alex Rider fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now