Stress for dinner

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There's something good in every bad, they say. Alex tried to remind himself of that.

The bad thing was that he was caught up in yet another job. It was supposed to be easy but by now, he should've learned that with MI6, easy was code for hard.
What was good about being sent to collect information about a makeup and skincare corporation, which, as it turned out, seemed to have ties with a major drug trafficking ring?
Well, for one, the corporation itself was based in Hilo, Hawaii. Alex had never seen such a place before. It was much nicer there than in the kenyan heat or the void of space.
As long as he stayed out of the black desert of solidified lava fields. Anyway, those were rather common on the other side of the island. Hilo was lush, everything was green, everything was thriving.

MI6 had a safe house in the forest, close to Hilo. He was hiding there, planning his next move.
Alex was looking at a picture of a girl. She had brown hair, green eyes and tan skin. In the picture, she was standing next to a woman and a man. They were all wearing the same uniform: light blue shirt and dark blue pants.

He found the picture on the local American Medical Response website. All the teams were listed there, including the one he had been looking for.
The girl's name was Abigail Evans. A few hours ago, she tried to take him to the hospital but he refused to go. He knew he'd be extremely vulnerable there. Plus, he had to continue the operation.
The crash into the car wasn't as bad as he expected. It was when he fell to the ground that hurt him. He bruised his knees pretty badly and twisted an ankle.

Alex wasn't sure if someone would be sent after Abigail to question her. The two guards knew he got away and they knew she went after him.
He was annoyed at the girl. Of course it wasn't her fault, she just did her job but now she was in potential danger. He had to pause everything he was doing to make sure she wasn't going to be hurt.
He should pay her a visit and tell her to stay at a friend's house. He felt like he owed her that. Plus, he felt bad for how he spoke to her. Alex had no choice, sometimes one has to be strict and even threatening. He hadn't done such thing before, atleast not intentionally.


"Wow, never underestimate Abby's ability to look as lifeless as possible!", Haua exclaimed.
"I know just the beverage to cure this state of yours.", he continued.
Abby gave him a dirty look. But he was right. She looked like a mess. Dark circles under her eyes, some eyebags too, pale skin, dry lips and incredibely frizzy hair. She hadn't slept much. Of course she was up all night thinking about what she experienced during work.
"Coffee could be the last available drink on Earth and I'd rather die of thirst."
"Bold words but sadly, I know you would."

Piper appeared and when she saw what Abby looked like, her face darkened.
"I hope this won't affect your performance."
Her voice was stern.
"It won't", Abby replied. She felt a bit embarassed. Haua gave Abby a look. He did this every time Piper scolded them.
"Someone's in a mood..." he whispered.

The girl tried her best to be as energetic and helpful as possible. She wanted to prove herself to Piper, she's always wanted to do that. Today was as stressful as yesterday, except there was no one hiding from them.
Abby did most of the "dirty" work, due to her rank, she didn't mind that though.
The group travelled around the small city of Hilo, occasionally visiting the nearby hotels.
It was a bit hot and the uniform certainly wasn't designed to be worn in an overheated ambulance car but the green enviroment was able to cool the streets down. In the afternoon or at night, a short and light rainstorm would always bring the temperatures down.

Under Blue Light: an Alex Rider fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now