Mamma Mia!

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Alex had asked Abby to tell absolutely no one about anything.
She felt extremely guilty about having to lie to one of her friends, especially because she was doing it for someone she hardly knew. Lying is not hiding the truth on purpose, it's changing the truth, she thought. That was how she tried to calm herself.
Abby was merely asking her friend if she could stay over for a few nights. There was nothing to lie about. Still, it felt so wrong.

"What do you want to watch?"

Lou, a red-headed young woman with pale skin and freckle-covered body, was searching through a rather vintage collection of DVDs. She was Abby's close friend, they knew eachother since high school. She worked as a chef in one of the hotels of Hilo.

Evidently, the whole island was big on tourism and a lot of the inhabitants there choose a career path in that direction.

The sudden question interrupted Abby's train of thought. She looked puzzled for a moment, which Lou noticed but didn't comment on.

"Something light and funny.", she replied.
Now, Lou looked surprised.

"Oh? No horror?"

The last thing Abby needed right now was a scary movie about death with jumpscares and eerie music. She was aleardy pretty scared and knew that she'd have trouble sleeping tonight.

"I'm too tired for that..."

Lou turned her head to the side, like a little puppy who was trying to work out it's owner's commands.

"What's going on?"

Abby's heart sank. Only if she knew...
This question made her think again about what she's lived through in the past days. It was the weekend, she's already spent a few days at Lou's and the fact that she had no idea if someone was going to come after her made her constantly nervous.
Whenever she closed her eyes, she saw him, Alex, in front of her. His eyes looked so serious and so tired. In all of this mess, Abby also found herself wondering who he was. What lead him into this situation? She was curious about him, even if he scared her.

"It's been a stressful week, you know."

"Does Piper still boss you around?"

"That's her job."

"You know what I mean."

Abby knew. Piper was always hard on her and, according to Lou, was somewhat of a bitch. Abby disliked that word a lot. She was just a hardworking person who happened to be female, which meant she'd be seen as a bitch. A hardworking man is just a man. But not the woman, she was evil, bossy.
Piper, due to her sex, couldn't afford any mistakes. Abby understood that. She had to admit though, that sometimes she came off a bit sadistic.

"Let's watch Mamma Mia.", Abby recommeded, clumsily changing the subject.
Lou scratched her head and turned back to the pile of DVDs.

Abby did her best to concentrate on the movie. It wasn't as hard as she expected, Sky, one of the characters, was a great distraction for her. The "Lay All Your Love On Me" scene worked it's magic on her.

"I think this is the reason I can't find anyone.", Lou erupted. Abby raised an eyebrow.


"Just look at him. Raised my standards too high."

Abby turned her head to Lou and then back to the screen. Lou had a point. Sky was charming and had this attracting vibe that only few women would be able to resist. He was handsome, no question about it. He was shirtless and his physique was toned, muscular. Abby zoned out at the sight. Out of nowhere, a weird picture flashed into Abby's mind. It was just for a moment but she was so embarassed by it, she physically jerked to make it go away.

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