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*Leo POV*

I woke up to the incessant sound of the alarm screaming at my ears. I took my phone from under my pillow and turned the alarm off. I checked the time and realized-

Its Wednesday. I'm about to be late for math if I don't get my behind out of bed.

I got up with a jolt, and made a beeline for my bathroom. After taking a shower, I scoured my closet for a formidable outfit.

I don't actually like math, I mean- I do like it, just not enough to jump out of bed, nearly tripling over air- but I guess I'm good at it since I somehow made it into advanced mathematics. Probably because my mom is an engineer. Anyways, this is the only class I have with my crush! Well, the only class I have sitting beside him. In the other classes, others had taken my chance of sitting next to him- so math has a special place in my heart.

I end up wearing a black turtle neck since it's getting pretty cold. I pop a beige sweater over it, my turtle neck sleeves poked out a bit, but it was fine. I wore black jeans with rips on the knee, and tucked my sweater in, puffing it out a bit.

I looked at myself in the mirror and messed with my hair a bit. When I was done, I ran downstairs and picked up a tortilla.

"Mijo! ¿Adónde crees que vas, Valdez?" My mamá exclaimed in Spanish. I didn't really have time to say anything, but I managed to yell,

"I'm late for class, mamá!" I get a glimpse of her shaking her head as I run. My heart is beating so fast- I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a heart attack. I check the time.

Dammit. I thought, clenching my teeth together as I speed-walked down the hall. I'm late.

I opened my class door. Ms. Federal was pointing to something on the board, when her entire attention came to me.

"I'm sorry I'm late- I accidentally over-slept."

"I'll give you this one, Valdez, because this is your first time being late. Now please, sit. Do not let this happen again." She stated, and gestured at my desk.

I walked over to my seat and slammed my bag on the ground.

"Rough morning?" I whipped my head at the speaker. It was Jason. His blonde hair shimmered under the classroom light, and his blue eyes had this certain glow in it that made it look like he had lightning in them.

"Yeah...I was up late...studying." A complete lie- but he nodded like he knew the feeling. Actually, I kinda half-assed binge watching like...70 shows on Netflix. But hey- what can ya do as a person with bad sleeping habits.

I played with a pen, disassembling it, and reassembling it. I didn't really listen to Ms. Federal talking, Shes just reviewing what she said yesterday- so I think I'm fine. But Jason seemed to be writing everything down, sticking his lip out the slightest bit on his little scar on his upper lip. Wonder where he got that but, it made him look like- 10000 times hotter.

When class ended, I sighed.

Another day where you don't talk to Jason much. Good job Valdez, good job. I thought to myself with a huff. I flinched a bit when I felt someone touch my arm.

"See you tomorrow." It was Jason. He gave me a shy smile before walking away. I just stood there and stared like an idiot.

"He said, 'See you tomorrow.'!?"  Piper softly squealed as we walked to our seats in the cafeteria.

"He said something to you? Well, 1, 2, buckle my shoe! That's amazing!." Nico added with sarcasm. I gave a him a friendly shove and sat in our respective seats.

"Yeah, yeah. How's it going with your crush, huh? William Sol-" He clamped his hand around my mouth. "Say even a letter of his name, I will cut off your di-"

"Okay!" Piper intervened.

"No cussing for the little boy." I snickered.

"Your like- 2 inches taller than me!"

"Key word, taller." I have him my iconic smile.

"Shut up you elf on the shelf."

Many people say I have an 'elf' look, which I don't! I don't even know why someone would even think that.

"I do not look like an elf on the shelf!"

"Yeah, and I have good sleeping habits." I huffed and started eating. You know what? Sometimes the school lunch be hit-in the spot sometimes.

"Oh my gods, look- Leo, look!" Piper urged me to look at something. Also, another weird thing about her. For some reason, whenever she asks me to do something- sometimes it's like- I just do it, y'know? Also, I think she worships multiple gods.

I look up from my food and see a certain blonde looking back. What the- is that Jason- the Jason Grace looking at me?! He spots me looking back at him and quickly looks down.

"He was definitely looking at you!" Piper exclaimed happily.

Was he really looking at me? No way, that couldn't be it...could it? I felt my face burning up and Nico laughed at me.

"Mamá? Are you home?" I yelled through the house. Festus came running to me from the living room. I heard footsteps walking my way, and Festus ran.

"Nope! But I am buddy!"


A huge man with a black beard came in, my dad. He was pretty ugly, but it was amazing to see him. He was wearing an apron smeared with motor oil, his hands opened wide, I could see his callous. He visits like- years at a time. Literally.

I ran up to I'm and gave him a hug, he smelt like he just took a dive in machine oil, but I was happy to see him. Then I punched him.

He didn't really flinch but he looked at me confused.

"Hey- If your father only visits a couple of years or so, you would be angry too." I crossed my arms. He looked at me like he was considering something, then laughed.

"Sorry buddy, I'm really busy. Have been for years."

"Too busy to visit your own son?" My dad looked a bit nervous, like I was trying to uncover his biggest secret. He then sighed and looked for something in the pocket of his qapron.

"Here." He held out his calloused hands. "A gift. I know I don't visit much, but at least this will show at least a bit of how much I care about you."

I took the thing out of his hands.

It was a ring. The band was obsidian black, and it had a small ruby on top. The ruby had something in it, but I couldn't really see in the darkness of my house.

"Keep it. If you're ever in trouble, put it on." My dad said, looking at the thing like he made it. Probably did.

"I don't think it will fit me, looks a bit big." I said, studying the ring.

"Trust me, it will. I have to go now," he started walking to the door. He turned back and looked at me.

"I love you. One day, you will be able to talk to me more often. Everything will make sense."

Word count: 1239

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