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*Jason POV*

I dove for Leo, rolling back to the door. Some kids who weren't Demi-gods were screaming their heads off, I don't know what they saw, but that was a venti.

Percy was under some rubble, Annabeth desperately trying to find him- Tyson helping". Reyna staggered up, her hair going all sorts of directions, but holding onto an unconscious Paul. Grover bleated in pain, or maybe he was asleep- who knows. Frank helped Hazel up from the ground, and Will rushes to Nico to heal him of any injuries. And the others took out their weapons.

"What the fuck is that." Leo exclaimed, reminding me I was on top of him.

I got off of him and helped him up. "A venti... storm spirit. They kinda hate me. You can see it, right?" He nodded quickly, his cute little curls bouncing in the motion.

Why is he so cute?

Kind of ironic, really. At first, when I realized I liked him, I thought, out of anyone I could have fell for, I had to fall for him? A mortal. I know I could date a mortal, but I didn't feel good dragging an innocent mortal into this godly mess, but then- I find out Grover suspects him of being a Demi-god. And turns out he is!

I stood staring at him for a bit. His tanned skin, curly messy brown mess he calls hair, big caramel-brown eyes, scrawny figure- he wasn't really scrawny, he was small, the perfect size for me. His legs were really nice, like the ones a lady would have. All lean, and pretty, and his lips looked chapped, but I still wanted to kiss them. And the little beauty mark on his neck, and- Okay Jason. Let's stop simping and get to fighting.

The storm spirit looked my way- or at least that's what I thought. It was actually looking at Leo. It zoomed past me, and I tried to hit it with my weapon, but it just sliced through.

Shit. I thought. I didn't focus hard enough! Leo!

The venti circled around Leo, then solidified into a human. It was tall, brown hair and chocolate brown skin. Its eyes were a bright green, but sometimes switched to a stormy gray color.

"My, my. You look cute, too bad I will be killing you. But perhaps, I could take you for a little fun- then kill you." He said. Then picked Leo up, flying in the air. "How about it, Hmm?" It smirked. The venti got close to Leo's neck, then kissed right where his beauty mark was.

I balled my hands in a fist until my knuckles turned white. I concentrated on the air around me, willing it to shoot me up to their height. I grabbed onto the venti's leg, well tried to- but it slipped through.

"Jason! ¡Ayúdame! ¡Date prisa y ayúdame a escapar de este monstruo coqueto!" Leo exclaimed, a terrified look on his face. Reyna almost smiled, and Frank tried to shoot it with a bunch of arrows, none of which hit the thing. I didn't know a single thing Leo just said, but it was probably bad towards the venti because it frowned.

"Hmm...Now I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult to me, but one thing I know is that for how scrawny you are, you have a big mouth, Pequeño y lindo niño fuego~" The venti smirked. Leo looked like he remembered something, then proceeded to- BURST INTO FLAMES?!

I panicked and screamed his name, the venti completely turned into air, but still held onto Leo.

"FUCK YOU, YOU- uhm..."

"STORM SPIRIT!" Nico yelled.

"WHATEVER HE SAID!" Leo stated, and proceeded to fire...well fire out of his hand gun blindly.

"Well then- if it's going to be like that! I will kill you right here! Right now!" The venti exclaimed with anger. The air around Leo seemed to have gotten stronger, and started to cut into Leo's clothes, his jeans getting torn up. Should I use lightning? But I might hurt him in the process.


He reached down into the hoodie I gave him, then took out a necklace with the symbol of Hephaestus on it? He pulled the ring from the string and put the ring on. It sparkled, then started to disperse fire, encasing him in a cloud of flames. I was about to dive in, but from what I could see, he was being healed and protected at the same time. I didn't even know fire could do that.

"Leo!" I exclaimed. The venti winced in pain, apparently the flames could also do that. How? Don't ask me.

Leo pointed a finger gun at the venti, then said,

"Bang bitch." A hot stream of green flames (Greek Fire??) shot out of his pointer finger and at the venti. Somehow, he hit the venti square on the right spot. The venti hissed in pain, the air around Leo stopped, and the venti shot out of the broken wall.

Leo fell down at an alarming rate, I flew up to catch him. He was unconscious, but overall looked fine. I went straight down and placed him down next to Will.

"Woah...sheesh," He winced, I rolled my eyes. "Just help him." He gave me a joking smile and did his magic. Nico got up from his sitting position, wobbling around, dizzy.

"BROTHER!" I heard Tyson yell. I looked at their direction, seeing Annabeth covered in sweat and dirt, but holding onto Percy, breathing hard. Percy groaned but gave them a winning smile.

Grover stirred. "Enchiladas..." He groaned. I chuckled, and Percy shot up.

"Grover!" He exclaimed.

Gods, they have a bromance like no other. I thought with a smile.

Reyna hoisted Racheal up from the rubble, sometimes I forget she's just a mortal. Travis ran to carry Katie, but she hit him saying she can take care of herself as Connor laughed at them. Thalia burst out of the ground yelling,

"DON'T TOUCH MY FUTURE SISTER-IN-LAW!" Making me blush and the others laugh.

I realize that Will hasn't said anything about Leo's health right now, so I look back at him. Leo was laying on his lap as he looked down at him, gaining a jealous look from Nico- and maybe me.

He noticed me staring and chuckled. "We cool, I'm into emo dudes." He laughed, gaining a pout from Nico. "He's fine, he's just exhausted and passed out from using to much of his power, and he's probably really stressed." He continued.

"E-yup. I guess Grover was right, and we all probably know who his godly parent is." I sigh.

"Hephaestus." "Apollo." Annabeth and Piper said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

"I'm joking," Piper said. "Hephaestus- But He does act like an Apollo kid sometimes." She joked, getting a knowing smile from Nico.

"Okay-" Nico said in the excitement. "I will take him to camp half-blood. There he can be claimed safely. Thalia- do your thing." He pointed to Thalia, and she nodded happily- proceeding to snap.

He sighed and grabbed onto Leo, then dragged him to a darker area in the class, and Will scooted out of the way. He closed his eyes for a second, before he got whisked away in the shadows.
Word count: 1284

A/N: I honestly didn't know what the fuck to do in this chapter- sorry if it came out like shit. I tried- that's all that matters to me.

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