chapter two

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it's not up to you

choi luna

"you sure you don't want to come with us?" felix asks as he throws away the now empty food containers, referring to a party he and jeongin had been invited to downtown. i was sat back on the couch, legs lazily thrown over hyunjin as i scrolled through potential matches, no one in particular sticking out.

"you know what? fuck it, i'll come." i say, standing up. "just give me a few to get ready." i tell him, walking towards my room. i was frustrated with the lack of interest i got from the app, deciding a night out wouldn't be the worst thing. after all i had no plans to bring anyone home, i had to work a double tomorrow at the local restaurant. as i enter my room i quickly strip from my clothes and pull out a silky dark yellow dress, i quickly throw it on, it falls just below mid thigh, decently low cut, showing off probably a little too much cleavage.

but i wasn't much of a conservative when it came to how i dressed. i quickly threw my hair up into an elegant looking pony tail, with a few strands dangling out of the front.

"plan on sleeping with anyone tonight?" hyunjin leans against my door frame, his loose white button up hugging him in all the right places, the first few buttons undone, revealing a good bit of his toned chest, paired with his usual tight black pants. a smirk plays at his lips.

"no. you?" i ask, grabbing my bag, a black handbag with a silver chain, matching the silver earrings i had in my ears from earlier.

"depends on if anyone seems interesting enough." he crosses his arms. i laugh.

"i'll take that as a yes." i say as a push past him to leave my room.

"you have no faith in me." he jokes, sounding offended.

"i really don't." i joke back. he dramatically brings his hands to his chest, laughing a little as he does so. i playfully roll my eyes and head to the kitchen where felix and jeongin were waiting. the pair whistles as hyunjin and i enter the room.

"you two always know how to dress." felix says, shamelessly looking both of us up and down. jeongin nods in agreement

"of course, who else is going to be the hottest people at the party if it's not us?" hyunjin responds, throwing his arm around my shoulder. i reach up to interlock my fingers with his hand, flirtatiously raising my eyebrows at the other two. felix and jeongin exhange a look before grabbing their things off the counter.

"well, let's get going, lovebirds." jeongin mumbles the last part, but we heard it. we were used to it, none of our friends understood why we weren't together. the two of us laugh at his comment.

"in your dreams, baby bread." i say, causing hyunjin to laugh harder and jeongin to roll his eyes.

"excuse me for wanting my friends who are clearly in love to be in a happy relationship." he retorts, motioning between us, still holding hands. we laugh again.

"okay, enough of this, they'll never admit it, jeongin." felix comforts as we all make our way to the door.

"there's nothing to admit." hyunjin laughs.

"yeah yeah..." felix grumbles as we leave the apartment, hyunjin and i share another laugh at our friend's assumptions before heading out.


the rumble of the bass shakes the ground as we close in on the building, flashing lights can be seen through the window.

"wow, it's a big party." hyunjin says, walking closely behind me as his hand rested on the small of my back.

"i told you!" felix exclaims happily. the entire walk, hyunjin was teasing him about taking us to a lame party. jeongin and i laugh.

"alright ground rules." hyunjin starts, every time we partied we had a few set of rules, mostly for safety reasons. we all turn to face him, my eyes meet with his for a moment before he glances at the other two. "don't take drinks from strangers, if you leave with someone, send one of us a text and leave your location on, and luna," he turns his attention back to me, causing felix and jeongin to look at me as well.

"yeah yeah, stay off the tables." i say laughing, knowing what he was about to say in reference to the last incident when i flashed the entire party by drunkenly deciding to do a back flip on a table.

"good girl." he says, patting my shoulder. the three boys walk past me, heading up the stairs to the front door. "you coming?" hyunjin asks, a smirk tugging at his lips as he turns to face me. i shake my head.

"yeah..." i reply, quickly making my way up the stairs behind them. felix pushes the door open, revealing the various people dancing and grinding upon one another, others downing shots at the bar, some being dragged upstairs drunkenly, lastly, others playing scandalous games like truth or dare, or spin the bottle. jeongin heads to the bar, felix joins the muddle of people dancing, hyunjin pats my back as he goes to follow jeongin to the bar, leaving me alone by the entrance.

as i look to my side, a girl is pushed in my direction, a light pink blush covering her face as she nearly stumbles to the floor if it weren't for me grabbing her forearm. i look behind her where a group of giggling girls is stood, definitely making it obvious it was them that pushed the girl. as i help her stand up, i take in her outfit, a small black dress, ending right at her knees, a cute belt wrapped around her waist. her hair was short, and loosely curled.

"are you okay?" i ask her, looking into her eyes, she had pretty brown eyes, the pink blush on her face making them stand out a little bit more. she was cute.

"i-i'm fine." she stutters, avoiding my gaze. i realize she is staring at my hand on her arm, so i lightly pull it away.

"sorry, i didn't want you to fall." i quickly explain, she smiles slightly.

"it's okay..." she turns, looking back to the girls that pushed her, they give her multiple nods and thumbs up. she turns back around to me.

"do you want to get a drink?" i ask, assuming she had interest in me. the blush on her face darkens causing me to smirk. "my treat." i add. she nods hesitantly. i smile before locking my arm with hers and walking her to the bar area. as we arrive, hyunjin looks over to me, a shot glass between his lips, his face flashes with something unreadable as he glances between the girl and i. i shoot him a small wink before sitting on the opposite side of the bar, where it was more quiet.

"what's your name?" the cute girl asks as she takes her seat next to me.

"luna, yours?" i ask, watching as she slowly crosses her legs.

"bri..." she smiles nervously, finally meeting my gaze, but not holding it for long.

"that's a beautiful name." i flirt. "what do you want to drink?" i ask.

"strawberry margarita?" she asks, i nod before gaining the attention of one of the bartenders.

"pineapple rum punch for me, and a strawberry margarita for this beautiful girl." i lightly place my hand on her shoulder. the familiar pink blush making an appearance. the bartender nods and turns to make the drinks. my phone vibrates in my bag, causing me to pull it out and open the text message.

prince ;)

you taking her home?

not sure yet


i look over to hyunjin who is reading the message i sent back to him. he looks back up to me, the same unreadable expression across his face once again before shoving his phone back into his pocket and downing another shot.

"so, tell me about yourself..." bri says, pulling me out of my focus on hyunjin.

"what do you want to know?" i ask, smirking at her.

trapped // hwang hyunjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now