chapter thirty-six

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reunited not by chance

choi luna

"where did you even go?" i ask chan after hyunjin had called him back in the living room once i was fully dressed.

"i told you i was gonna give you two a minute." he says nonchalantly.

"you were gone for like four hours." hyunjin raises an eyebrow.

"i figured you two would need some time to reunite." he wiggles his eyebrows at us. "judging by what i walked in on, i assume i was right." he chuckles.

"yeah, yeah." hyunjin rolls his eyes. "what did you call me here for?" he asks.

"so you could talk to luna." chan shrugs.

"what?" i ask.

"don't act like you haven't been sulking this entire last week." he crosses his arms at me.

"what do you mean?" i squint at him.

"i mean you missed him, and you were torturing yourself trying to stay away from him. so i called him for you."

"wha— what if i wasn't ready to see him?" i retort. he laughs.

"you were."

"but how could you have known that?" i tap my foot angrily.

"do you really think i would have called him if i didn't think you were ready?" he cocks his head at me.

"well no... but-"

"exactly." he cuts me off. "so i assume the reunion went well?" he changes the subject, looking at hyunjin who nods.

"it wasn't what i was expecting, but i would say it went pretty well." hyunjin giggles, looking over at me. i roll my eyes at the boys.

"luna? are you mad at me?" chan fake pouts.

"no. it went well." i roll my eyes. they laugh.

"so i'll be upstairs, you guys keep talking." he excused himself, quickly running up the stairs and going into his room.

"he is something else." i shake my head.

"he is, but i'm thankful for him." hyunjin smiles. "luna?" he suddenly calls.


"can i take you on a date?" my eyes widen.

"a date?" he nods.

"i had originally planned for that to be the first thing we did when we reunited... but... it's us, prince hyunjin, and princess luna, i should have assumed we would be horny idiots like always." he says, the both of us erupting into a fit of laughter.

"you're not wrong." i giggle, poking his chest.

"so? a date? like a proper one, you know, dress fancy, i'll pick you up at eight type thing?" he says cutely.

"i would love to go on a date with you." i smile at him, his eyes begin to sparkle again.

"great! i need to go home and shower first since we... you know. but i'll be back by eight!" he says frantically checking his watch.

"why don't i just come with you?" i ask, breaking him out of his frantic trance.


"well i have to shower too, i can grab some fancy clothes and walk back home with you. i'll just get ready there so you don't have to walk all the way back here." i tell him.

"are you sure?" he asks.

"yeah, i don't see why not. you haven't given my room away to anyone have you?" i tease.

"no! of course not." he quickly responds.

"good, then wait here, i'll go grab some stuff." i tell him and he nods. i make my way upstairs and into the guest bedroom that i had called my room for the last month. i open my closet, instantly looking at my dresses. my eyes land on one of my favorite dark red dresses that i hadn't worn in a while. it was silk with spaghetti straps, the midriff was done in lace and it fell down to my ankles. there was a slit that came up to my mid thigh, and the back was lace, along with the midriff. i carefully pull it off the hanger, folding it neatly and setting it into a bag. i then grab a pair of plain black heels, throwing them in the bag as well.

i grab a matching dark red laced strapless bra that would blend in with the lace on the back of the dress so you couldn't see it. and of course, a matching pair of dark red lace panties. i grab my makeup bag, and a few shower necessities from my bathroom, throwing those into the bag as well. after contemplating it for a few moments, i also packed a pair of comfy clothes, i didn't know if i would stay with him, but i wanted to be prepared if i did. as i began zipping up the bag, getting ready to head back down the stairs, chan comes into my room.

"you okay?" he asks.

"yes. we're going to go on a date. i'm getting ready at our apartment." i tell him.

"call me if anything happens."

"i will, of course." i smile at him.

"i trust you. and he's been going to therapy, so i trust him as well, but be careful." he smiles back.

"i will." he pulls me into a hug.

"and don't make babies on the first date." he says causing me to pull away from him and slap him on the chest.

"as if!" i roll my eyes and he laughs.

"will you be home tonight?" he asks, calming down from his laughing fit.

"i'm not sure, but i'll text you."

"alright, have fun, but not too much." he winks at me. i groan.

"shut up." he chuckles again and i push past him, leaving the room.

"you ready?" hyunjin asks as i reach the bottom of the stairs.

"yep, let's do this!" i giggle, taking his hand in mine.

"hyunjin." chan calls. hyunjin turns to face the boy who was now at the bottom of the stairs, his goofy expression from earlier was now a more serious one. "don't hurt her again." he says sternly. hyunjin gulps and i squeeze his hand in reassurance.

"i wouldn't dream of it, channie." he tells him. chan nods approvingly at his answer.

"good." he responds. hyunjin nods back at him, turning around on his heels and pulling me out of the door with him. he was still the same hyunjin i always knew, but something felt different. it was a good different, and i was definitely excited to go down this road with him. knowing chan and the rest of the guys would be there to comfort me if anything went wrong definitely helped my nerves, but the different atmosphere around hyunjin made me believe i wouldn't need the guys.

hyunjin would take care of me this time.

i was sure of it.

trapped // hwang hyunjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now