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Okay, so just imagine;

James and Lilly have been dating for a couple of months now and it's like their fifth fight.

She says "Are you-" but she catches herself because she knows that he's just gonna end up making a joke about Sirius.

So she quickly changes it to "Are you kidding?" And he wasn't paying attention so he said "He's Sirius, I'm James."

And as soon as he realizes his mistake he isn't sure if he wants to marry her because she knows him so well or breaks up with her because she doesn't appreciate his puns.

Okay, so now imagine;

It's their seventh fight and James is pissed at Lily for missing his Quidditch match which he did awesome at yeah she feels a little guilty but she can't help it that she's a prefect and if a third-year girl is crying and needs a walk to the infirmary Lily is gonna help her and James says "you chose a 13- year-old girl over me? Are you serious rn?"

And without missing a beat Lily says;

"He's Sirius, I'm Lily."

And the entire common room goes quiet like everyone is in a fucking dead hush and Sirius, years later, tells the story at their wedding as "that was the moment I gave James my blessing to propose."

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